陳文華Wun-Hwa Chen陳曉虹Hsiao Hung Chen2019-09-032019-6-92019-09-032014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0101590108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95062老年人口快速增加,長期照護需求日益殷切,滿足長期照護需求已是各國政府所面臨刻不容緩的重要議題;而隨人口結構及社會文化型態的改變所衍生出人口老化及失能者的照護問題,也使得長期照護開始受到產、官、學界的高度關注。在台灣方面,依據行政院推估,我國長期照顧服務需求人口數在96年為245,511人,預計在104年為327,185人,109年則將達398,130人,顯見台灣長期照顧之需求性與產業之潛力。 國內在長期照護領域的研究當中,目前雖已有不少關於遠距照護系統的文獻,但從商業模式觀點來加以探討者卻十分缺乏,這或許也是國內多數遠距照護系統無法達成獲利目標之主要原因。故本研究擬以近期Osterwalder & Pigneur(2010)等學者所提出之創新商業模式理論架構為基礎,採社會科學中常用到的質性研究方式,探討長期照護產業之居護式遠距照護系統的創新商業模式。 本研究首先將參考長期照護、居家照護、創新商業模式、與遠距照護系統等相關文獻後產出研究架構,確定欲探討的主題,再根據研究目的與相關文獻探討,選擇適切的理論模型,發展本質性研究之分析架構。接著本研究預計進行遠距照護產業之現況探討、居護式遠距照護外部產業五力分析、與居護式遠距照護系統業者內部價值鏈分析,再根據創新商業模式理論架構的觀點加以解析,以歸納出居護式遠距照護系統目前最佳之創新商業模式作業,與推演未來可供選擇之策略方向,並將結果歸納為結論並對提出建議。希冀本研究所獲得之結果與建議對學術界與產業界,皆能有實質之助益。With the fast growing of the senior population, the need for long-term care is also increasing. It has become an urgent main issue for the governments to meet the demand for long-term care. As the population structure and social, cultural form change, the care problems about aging population and the disabled arouse the considerable attention to long-term care from the industry-government-academia. According to the statistics of the Executive Yuan in Taiwan, the population in need of long-term care in 2007 is 245,511. It is estimated to climb to 327,185 in 2015 and 398,130 in 2020, which suggests the need for and the potential of the industry of long-term care. There have been a large number of documents and researches on telecare in the field of long-term care. However, there is still a gap in the perspective of business model. I assume that this is the main reason why many of the domestic telecare systems can’t achieve their profit target. Therefore, in my study, I apply the innovative business model proposed by Osterwalder& Pigneur(2010)as my theoretical framework. I adopt the qualitative research to discuss the innovative business model of the home telecare system in the industry of long-term care. In my study, I plan to refer to the related documents on long-term care, home care, innovative business model, and telecare system to build up my framework and focus on the topic I will deal with. I will further decide on the proper theory to develop the analytical framework of the qualitative research on the basis ofthe objective and the related documents. I expect to discuss the status quo of the long-term care industry, make a five force analysis on the home telecare and on the value chain of the house telecare dealers, and try to interpret from the perspective of innovative business model theory. In this way, I intend to find out the best way of the innovative business model for the home telecare system, predict the future strategies, make a conclusion, and offer suggestions. I hope the results and suggestions of this study will benefit both the academia and industry.長期照護遠距照護居家照護商業模式創新商業模式九宮格商業模式long-term caretelecarehome carebusiness modelinnovative business modelbusiness model canvas以創新商業模式理論架構探討長期照護產業之居護式遠距照護系統Investigating Remote Home Care System in Long Term Care Industry by Developing Innovative Business Model