洪仁進林瑞萍2019-08-282014-08-022019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698000026%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90205本研究旨在探究杜威教育即生活說在綜合活動學習領域的應用,藉由分析國民中學綜合活動學習領域教師的教學現況和教學困難,並從杜威教育即生活說的觀點提出相關建議。在研究方法上,本研究採用個案研究法進行研究,訪談6名臺北市國民中學綜合活動學習領域教師。研究發現列述如下: 一、Dewey「教育即生活說」和綜合活動學習領域皆主張學生要在活動的過程中 學習,並強調課程統整。 二、依據Dewey「教育即生活說」的觀點,綜合活動學習領域應實施主題式的   活動課程,並安排適當的情境。 三、依據Dewey「教育即生活說」的觀點,綜合活動學習領域教師安排教材時   要有脈絡性,並加以統整。 四、依據Dewey「教育即生活說」的觀點,綜合活動學習領域教師要在教學過   程中引導學生思維,並予以反思。 五、Dewey「教育即生活說」強調跨學科的課程統整,應用於綜合活動學習領域的教學上,有其限制。This study elaborated on how Dewey’s “education is life itself” applies to integrative activities learning area courses. Firstly, this study focuses on the courses designed and implemented by integrative activities learning area teacher in junior high school. Secondly, the teaching experience and difficulties of those teachers occurred within integrative activities learning area are collected, and interviewed. Finally, this study propose some suggestations according to Dewey’s “education is life itself”. This research adopts case studies. After interviewing 6 integrative activities learning area teachers in junior high school in Taipei city, there are 5 main findings as follows: 1. Dewey’s “education is life itself” and integrative activities learning area both claim that students must learn from activities. And they both emphasize the integration of courses as well. 2. According to Dewey’s “education is life itself”, integrative activities learning area courses should be conducted theme-based activities curriculum and arranged with appropriate conditions. 3. Based on the perspectives of Dewey’s “education is life itself”, the teachers in integrative activities learning area must arrange their teaching materials within students’ learning context and design the courses in order to help students’ integrate their learning experience. 4. Depending on Dewey’s “education is life itself”, integrative activities learning area teachers must inspire students to think and give chances to them for self-reflection during the courses. 5. The application of interdisciplinary integration courses emphasized in Dewey’s “education is life itself” has its difficaulties in integrative activities learning area courses in junior high school.杜威教育即生活綜合活動學習領域John Deweyeducation is life itselfintegrative activities learning areaJohn Dewey「教育即生活說」在臺北市國民中學綜合活動學習領域之應用研究