張玉山Chang, Yu-Shan何仁偉Ho, Jen-Wei2023-12-082027-07-152023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c4713688b24f43884614202b0c5452f1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120474現今虛擬實境已廣泛應用於各個領域當中,而在教育上的應用更是佔有一席之地,不僅可以模擬各種教學環境,並且擁有良好的沉浸效果與互動性,可以提供學習者探索和進行差異化之教學,而透過腦電波的測量可以判斷實驗者可能受到的刺激或行為反應是否有發生,目前也已廣泛使用於心理學、生理學等領域當中。本研究的目的為探討講述式教學與虛擬實境教學對學習者在學習情緒與創意設計表現上之影響,並透過腦波儀分析受測者在創意設計歷程中腦波數值是否有顯著差異。本研究以電腦軟體繪圖為主題進行創意繪圖設計,教學內容包括藝術鑑賞、軟體功能介紹、創意繪圖設計。本次教學活動共計執行八週,總共分為三個單元,分別為花瓶插花、可愛動物以及風景圖。研究對象為臺北市某國立高中一年級普通班學生,採用準實驗研究法,並透過不等組前後測的實驗設計進行樣本數據的蒐集。本研究自變項為教學方式,依變項為學習情緒、創意設計表現及腦波數據。研究結果顯示:(1)虛擬實境教學對學生在負向激發情緒、負向抑制情緒的表現上有顯著正面影響;(2)虛擬實境教學對學生在創意設計歷程與創意設計結果的表現上有顯著正面影響;(3)講述式教學的學習者在發展構想與修正設計圖階段,有部分腦波數據達到顯著影響。Nowadays, virtual reality has been widely used in various fields, and the application in education certainly takes its place.VR(virtual reality)can not only simulate diverse teaching environments, but have a good immersion effect and interactivity, which can provide learners to explore and carry out differentiated teaching. The measurement of brain waves can determine whether the stimulation or behavioral response the subjects may experience has occurred or not, and it has been widely used in the field of psychology, physiology, etc.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects on lecture-based and virtual reality teaching on students' academic emotions and creative design performance, and to analyze whether there were significant differences in brainwaves values between the subjects during the creative design portfolio by using EEG(electroencephalogram). This study was based on the theme of computer software drawing to proceed creative drawing design. The teaching content including art appreciation, software function introduction, and creative drawing design. The teaching activities were divided into three units including flower arrangement in vase, cute animals, and landscape, and will last eight weeks. The subjects of this study were first grade students in a national high school in Taipei City, and conducted by using an experimental design with unequal groups of pre and post-tests to collect the sample data. The self-referential variables were teaching mode, and the dependent variables were academic emotion, creative design performance, and brainwave data.The research has come to three conclusion: (1) virtual reality teaching has great positive impact on the performance of negative priming emotion and negative inhibiting emotion; (2) virtual reality teaching also shows brilliant influence on students' creative design portfolio and performances. (3) the lecture-based learners brain waves data has reached significant effect on the phase of developing notion and rectifying design diagram.虛擬實境學習情緒創意設計表現腦電波Virtual RealityAcademic EmotionCreative Design PerformanceElectroencephalography(EEG)虛擬實境對學習情緒與創意設計表現影響之腦波研究The Study of the Effect of Virtual Reality on Academic Emotion and Creative Design Performance on Brain Waveetd