何懷碩Ho Huai shuo王建仁Wang Jian Ren2020-12-102011-1-182020-12-102011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696600303%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115391「移動的桃花源」是筆者近年來創作的共通思維,「桃花源」標示著一個理想世界,不同時空背景的人對其都有不同的想像,因此它是「移動」的,因人而異的假想空間。 筆者的創作,為了體現心中對現實世界的批判,運用兩種不同的素材來表現,其一為古老的山水題材,二為描繪自己所居住的台北都會建築;「桃花源」為陶淵明所構築的理想境地,一個可以提供觀者逃離現實的心靈世界,在明清之際亦為文人創作的常用題材;中國的山水創作論述,最初可以看到以受道家思想所影響為主,如宗炳、顧愷之等人的論述,山水題材創作的目的,並不是純粹為了畫出眼前所見的美景,而是心中主觀的理想世界,是作者思想意念的體現。 本篇章透過古今中外的思想,從創作與傳統的連結,創作與人及其生活的連結,到創作與養生關係,進而探討人與物(外在),到底文明的進步與落後之間,該如何看待,亦如天才與瘋子的一線之隔,無法準確判斷說明,對物質文明的追求帶來的是環境破壞與污染,還有天然資源的耗竭,藝術創作者其作品給觀者大眾帶來的,應該是對永續精神的追求,對內在的滿足,而非外在的不斷追逐。“Variable Peach Blossom Spring” has been the author’s common thinking during recent years. “Peach Blossom Spring” indicates an ideal world. People living in different time and space imagine different “Peach Blossom Spring”. Consequently, the “Peach Blossom Spring” is “Variable”, and is an imaginary world varying from person to person. The author's artistic creation, in order to give expression to the criticism of the real world in mind, uses two kinds of subjects to represent. One is the ancient landscape, and the other is the urban construction in Taipei City where the author lives. "Peach Blossom Spring" is the ideal world constructed by Tao, Yuanming. It is an spiritual world offering viewers to escape from reality, and was as well a common subject used for creative writing by scholars in the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is evident that originally China's landscape treatise was mainly influenced by Taoism, such as Zong, Bing and Gu, Kaizhi, etc. The purpose of creation of landscape is not simply drawing the beautiful scene at present, but also the ideal world in mind, which is the manifestation of the author's consciousness. This chapter further discusses how to regard the relationship between people and external environment and the civilization between progress and backwardness through ideas at all times and in all countries. The creation comprises from linkings of the creation and the tradition, and linkings of the creation and people's living, to relationships between the creation and health cultivation. The artists' creation should bring up ideas of pursuing sustainability and inner satisfaction, rather than seeking external physical conditions.桃花源水墨Variable Peach Blossom SpringInk Painting移動的桃花源—王建仁水墨創作自述Variable Peach Blossom Spring-Research on Wang,Jian–Ren’s Ink Figure Paintings