曾肅良Tseng Su-Liang麥仕能Mak Sze Nang2020-12-102008-8-122020-12-102008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592603006%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115104台北縣腹地廣闊,秀麗山川比比皆是,然這些年來因為發展觀光興盛、交通便捷,致使每逢假日各風景區都人潮蜂擁,許多自然景觀都因未能及時維護而遭致破壞、生態受損、山河變色甚為可惜。筆者雖非土生卻是土長,在台北縣生活二十多年,以關懷的心為出發,用認真的態度去創作,期能喚起大家對環保的關心和公共道德的倡導,共同維護和保有這些天然生態資源,把無限風光留給子孫。 筆者水彩繪畫創作多年,希望藉此機會嘗試運用各種技法來表現北縣美麗風光,期盼經此研究後,就創作而言,無論在繪畫技巧或觀念的建立都能有更精進、創新的體悟和嘗試,開拓一條創作的新路,也衷心期待觀者能與筆者產生共鳴。The landscape of Taiwan is known for diversities of natural beauty composing towering mountains, restful lakes, beautiful waterfalls, hot springs, fantastic coastal rock formations, freshwater and brackish ponds, mudflats, marsh, rice paddies, and woodland. Due to the rapid expansion of tourism industry and drastic development on supporting infrastructures in the past decades, many of the natural beauties were either damaged or deteriorated. The restoration and recovering of these scenic areas to origin faces is no longer possible. Being grew up in Taiwan and having an exceptional care toward land and water in taiwan, the author would like to express his concern and to draw public’s awareness on the importance of nature and historical reservation for Taiwan through his creative paintings. The author intends to use his heartfelt painting that capturing the essence of Taiwan natural beauty as a powerful tool in arousing public’s echo on natural resources reservation. Hopefully our next generation can also enjoy the same natural beauties with our efforts and consideration. The author has been specializing in creative water colour painting and would take this opportunity in introducing innovative painting approaches in expressing Taiwan gorgeous landscapes. From the creative point of view, the author is anticipating new challenging on both applying creative painting techniques and adopting evolutionary ideas in his production. Subsequently, a new direction and wave of painting style is expected to be formed in this writing process.台北縣水彩風景畫Taiwanwater colourlandscape painting水彩風景畫技法研究-以台北縣風景為例Study of Watercolor Landscape Painting