葉耀明胡潔予2019-09-052013-7-72019-09-052010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696470136%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106712  音樂在小朋友生活中扮演很重要的要的一部分。人們廣泛的相信音樂對於學童的好處勝過音樂本身的領域範圍。尤其音樂的訓練是可以促進認知技巧的進步,學童的學習包含閱讀、抽象空間能力、和創造力。隨著科技發展的進步與網路的普及,透過網路來進行數位化的互動學習逐漸流行起來,音樂學習輔助系統可以增加學習的效果與方便學習成效的評估。   兒童在學習音樂基本組織結構像旋律及節奏。學童在辨認固有複雜的音樂變化、差別是很難去了解和記住其抽象概念。當資訊科技工具在網路上成熟發展。網路基本學習從今以後將成為教育更新的重要平台。同時間的音樂樂譜藉由網路上的圖形格式(ex.PDF、GIF)傳送表達。學童在音樂上的學習能力,電腦音樂學習輔助系統是有相當成效的幫助。   音樂瀏覽器的設計在此學習環境在兒童的認知上及聽覺技巧上的橋樑提供了一個有效的工具。藉由Cheve 系統利用聲音描述、階名唱法(Do=C、Re=D…)和旋律提供音樂樂譜的轉換。我們也設計Cheve 系統編寫成可轉換呈現於網際網路上的XML 格式檔案。對於學童以及指導者聽覺技巧學習的促進結果而言,在網路上的教學這是個完善的系統。  Music is as an important part of children in their life. People widely believed that the benefit for children is beyond the realm of music as well. Musical training can especially facilitate cognitive skills, including reading, abstract spatial abilities and creativity for the learning-disabled children. People use computer and internet to learn about knowledge. And Assisted Music Learning System can help children to learn better.   When children are learning melody, tempo of music, the very complexity of music notation is taught in abstract way. It is hard for the learning-disabled children, including mental retardation, to comprehend and memorize the abstract concepts. As the information technology implemented on the Internet is attaining to maturity. The web-based learning henceforth has become an important platform for the education renovation. Music notation is presently transmitted over the Web in graphic formats (PDF, GIF, etc.). For children, the music learning system is a good tool on learning music.   The goal of this music browser designed is to find a solution to bridge the gap between the cognition of learning-disabled children and music notation. That means to allow the music notation to be transformed from Chevé system, including vocal descriptions, solmization and melody. We also have designed a Chevé system authoring tool to create the XML file which can be posted on the web. As a result, this integrated system facilitates the music notation learning and teaching for the learning-disabled children and their instructors on the web.音樂學習輔助系統音樂瀏覽器Assisted Music Learning SystemMusic BrowserCheveXML音樂學習輔助系統之研究Research on Assisted Music Learning System