張素玢Chang, Su-Bing陳爰南Chen, Yuan-Nan2023-12-082023-08-162023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/97b882b515f02ca11c5e3dd58c7294c3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120422本文以1970年代政府推行的農業機械化政策切入,探討影響農民作物選擇的主要因素。雲林縣作為農業大縣,農戶人口比例不僅為全臺最高,也是稻米、蔬菜、玉米、甘藷等作物的重要產區。在農業機械化政策的推動下,作物生產方式、農民就業結構和農村經濟發展都發生變革。  耕耘機的普及和地下水開發計畫的展開,使雲林縣的農業發展出現明顯變化。過去因缺乏水源只能種植旱作的區域,隨著地下水使用技術的成熟,得以從事第一期稻作的種植,同時也帶動了蔬菜產業的快速成長。蔬菜產業機械化程度低,農民選擇付出大量勞力成本種植的主要原因在於其經濟收益較高,但日益高漲的工資卻又吞蝕掉他們的實際所得。  若農民從事機械化耕種,既可解決缺工勞力不足的狀況,又可面對人力老化的問題,加上政府的農業機械化政策推廣代耕制度,讓擁有農業機械的農民可以透過代耕降低農業機械的購買成本,工作收入不再受農產品市場價格波動影響。但機械化程度最高的稻作,利潤卻最低,加上日益增高的農業機械成本,因此農民不斷面臨從事勞力密集或機械化耕種的困境。農民們根據自身的年齡、經營規模、政府政策等不同因素,做出自己的選擇。  在種種因素的限制下,臺灣的農業機械化對農民的經營影響並非全面樂觀。然而近年來青年的返鄉也為傳統的農村社會發展帶來新契機,包括勞力密集作物的機械化作業突破、農作物生產與銷售方式的創新,為臺灣農業帶來多元和永續的發展方向。This article delves into the primary factors influencing farmers' crop choices by starting with the agricultural mechanization policy implemented by the government in the 1970s. Yunlin County, as a prominent agricultural county, not only the highest proportion of rural households in Taiwan but also serves as a significant production area for crops such as rice, vegetables, corn, and sweet potatoes. Under the impetus of the agricultural mechanization policy, changes have occurred in crop production methods, farmer employment structures, and rural economic development. The proliferation of plowing machinery and the initiation of groundwater development projects have brought about discernible changes in agricultural development in Yunlin County. Regions that were previously restricted to rain-fed crops due to water scarcity have now engaged in the cultivation of first-phase rice crops with the maturation of underground water usage techniques. This, in turn, has propelled the rapid growth of the vegetable industry. Despite the relatively low level ofmechanization in the vegetable industry, the primary reason farmers choose labor-intensive cultivation is its higher economic returns. However, the escalating wage rates have gradually eroded their actual income.By adopting mechanized farming, farmers can address the scarcity of manual labor and the aging workforce. Furthermore, the government's promotion of mechanized agriculture through contracted farming systems allows farmers with agricultural machinery to lower their equipment acquisition costs, shielding their income from the volatility of agricultural product market prices. Nevertheless, while rice cultivation attains the highest level of mechanization, its profits are comparatively low. Coupled with the rising costs of agricultural machinery, farmers are continuously confronted with the dilemma of labor-intensive or mechanized cultivation. Farmers make their choices based on factors like age, operational scale, and government policies.Within the constraints of various factors, the impact of agricultural mechanization on Taiwanese farmers' operations is not uniformly optimistic. However, in recent years, the return of young people to rural areas has brought new opportunities for the development of traditional rural society. This includes breakthroughs in the mechanization of labor-intensive crops and innovations in agricultural production and sales methods, paving the way for diverse and sustainable directions for Taiwan's agriculture.雲林縣農業機械化農村社會勞力密集代耕制度Yulin CountyAgricultural MechanizationRural DevelopmentLabor-intensive CropsCustom Harvesting農民的抉擇—人工或機械(1970–2021)Torn Between Manpower and Mechanic: The Farmer's Dilemma of Yunlin Plain Area(1970-2021)etd