吳明玨張雅淳黃迺毓Ming-Chieh WuYa-Chun ChangNei-Yuh Huang2016-05-042016-05-042013-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77967本研究旨在了解澳洲與新加坡家庭政策發展與家庭教育策略的經驗,以供臺灣推動家庭教育政策之參考。主要內容包括:1澳洲與新加坡家庭政策的現況與發展;2.澳洲與新加坡家庭政策的特色;3.兩國經驗對臺灣家庭教育政策的啟示有四點:(1)臺灣需要制定以家庭為目標對象的家庭政策;(2)以專責機關整合家庭服務與教育工作;(3)注重家庭研究作為政策過程的基礎;(4)強調及早介入的預防教育策略;(5)善用資訊科技提供全方位家庭服務與教育資訊。The purpose of this study is to investigate the family policy and family life education strategies of Australia and Singapore, in order for Taiwan Family Life Education professionals and policy makers to learn from their experiences. The paper includes descriptions on (1) the current situation and development of family policy of Australia and Singapore. (2) the nature and viewpoints of their family policies. Suggestions are proposed as: (1) Taiwan needs a family-oriented family policy. (2)Taiwan needs a department in the government to take charge of family services and education affairs. (3)The process of family policy making should base on solid research. (4)Early intervention should be emphasized in order to prevent family problems. (5)Technology should be well implemented in the all-directional family services and educational information.家庭政策家庭教育澳洲新加坡family policyfamily life educationAustraliaSingapore澳洲與新加坡的家庭政策發展與家庭教育策略─經驗與啟示The Family Policy and Family Education Strategies of Australia and Singapore: Experiences and Inspiration