國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系劉潔心蔡悅琪2014-12-022014-12-022010-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39776本研究擬以醫療從業人員作為健康E化介入之研究對象,依據現況與需求評估調查 之結果,以自我調整學習理論為基礎,透過健康E化之適性教學、同儕支持社群、及專 業與資源支持,並配合醫院支持的政策,提升醫療從業人員之健康生活型態、健康生活 品質並降低心血管疾病之危險因子;希望在醫療從業人員落實健康生活型態後,不只能 成為病患與社區民眾的典範,並能進一步成為病患與社區民眾健康促進的倡導者,使民 眾能更積極、更主動落實健康生活型態,最終達成全民健康的目標。同時,並期待能以 此經驗,提供給相關學者及決策者,做為未來其他場域推動健康促進計畫之參考。 本研究共兩年,第一年主要為針對醫療從業人員進行工作狀態與生活型態之全面 性調查,除瞭解目前醫療從業人員之工作與健康現況外,亦作為本研究介入策略的重要 參考依據。第二年主要是發展健康e 化介入模組,進行介入與評價,依據標準選取符合 條件之醫院再隨機分派為實驗組與對照組,共預計選取六家醫院。實驗組給予三個月之 「健康E 化介入」,包含夥伴社群、適性教學與專家支持,對照組不給予任何介入。於 實驗介入結束後一個月與三個月進行成效評價。本研究之評量包括形成評量、過程評量 及成效評量,有「工作狀態」、「健康生活型態」、「健康生活品質」、「憂鬱量表」、「社會 支持」與「自我效能」等問卷量表。本研究期待能將此研究經驗,提供相關單位,作為 發展「職場健康促進」之具體參考。This study plans to take healthcare staff as the research object in respect of the intervention of E-health. Based on Self-regulated Learning Theory and according to the current status and demand evaluation, the main purpose is to enhance the healthy life style and quality of healthcare staff, and to reduce risk factors resulting in cardiovascular diseases, through the tailored education of E-health, peer support communities and professionally facilitated education and support programs as well as to cooperate with the policy of hospital support. Hopefully after the healthcare staff fulfill healthy life style, they will not only become the model for patients and community people but also further act as the advocate to promote the health of patients and community people, so that the public can be more active and positive to carry out healthy life style and finally to achieve the target of “Health for All”. In the meantime, it is expected that such experience can be provided as references to related scholars and decision makers for future health promotion projects in other fields. This study will take two years; in the first year it will mainly conduct an overall investigation regarding the work status and life style of healthcare staff, which will not only help realize the current status of work and health of the healthcare staff, but also become an important reference to the strategy of this study. In the second year, it will mainly develop the intervention model of E-health to proceed with intervention and evaluation. According to the standard, six qualified hospitals will be chosen and randomly allocated to the experimental group and control group. The experimental group will be given with “Intervention based on E-health” for three months, including peer communities, tailored education and expert support. The control group will not be given with any intervention. The outcomes of both groups will be evaluated after one month and three months after the intervention is over. The evaluation comprises formation evaluation, process evaluation and effectiveness evaluation, as well as the questionnaire with scales in respect of “work status”, “healthy life style”, “healthy life quality”, “social support” and “self-efficacy”. It is expected that such research experience in this study can be provided to related units for their references developing workplace health promotion.運用健康E化提昇醫療從業人員之健康生活型態介入研究