游美貴Yu, Mei-Kuei鍾思平Zhong, Si-Ping2024-12-172024-01-312024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a48e0565cb6de927cde37ce73f3c4c8f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122173本研究以寄養社工視角出發,了解其提供寄養少年自立生活服務的經驗,以及工作過程中所面臨的挑戰與因應策略,以期研究結果能提供實務工作與制度層面的參考與建議。本研究採用質性研究方法,以立意選樣與滾雪球選樣,深度訪談六位現職或曾任兩年以上且至少有協助一位以上寄養少年自立生活的寄養社工,並以主題分析法為資料分析方法。本研究結論與建議如下:研究結論:一、寄養社工執行自立生活服務之經驗與詮釋:包括寄養少年自立生活能力訓練需要寄養父母共同參與、寄養少年自立生活能力的培養並非是線性的養成、自立生活能力培養需要安置服務與安置後自立服務共同合作;二、寄養社工提供自立生活服務專業能力仍備受挑戰與批判:包括整體自立生活服務具有斷裂性、跨網絡間對於自立生活服務核心價值存有歧異、寄養社工仍難以與寄養父母和寄養少年建立平等之合作關係、寄養少年參與和表意權在自立生活服務中仍會被忽視、寄養社工缺乏提供身障寄養少年自立生活培訓知能。研究建議:一、政策層面:有自立生活服務與補助需更貼近少年需求、提升自立服務的服務量能、修正現行法規與政策對「自立生活」之詮釋和定義;二、實務層面:完整落實寄養少年的參與和表意權、提升寄養社工專業能力之培育、彙整各機構與跨網絡服務經驗進行交流。In order to understand the practical experiences of assistance for foster youth in achieving independent living within the foster care service, as well as to provide suggestions for future policy and practical work, a qualitative study was conducted to understand experiences in providing services for foster youth to live independently and challenges and coping strategies during the work process from the perspective of foster care social workers. Six current or former foster care social workers with at least two years of experience, who have worked at least one foster youth in independent living, were recruited to participate in in-depth interviews by purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Thematic analysis was used as the method for data analysis. The conclusions and suggestions of this study were as follows:Conclusions: 1. The experience and interpretation of foster care social workers in implementing independent living services: (1) The training of independent living skills for foster youth requires foster parents’ active participation. (2) The cultivation of independent living skills for foster youth is not a linear process, and it requires collaboration between placement services and post-placement independent living services. 2. The challenges and criticisms faced by foster care social workers in providing independent living services: (1) Overall independent living services suffer from fragmentation. (2) There are discrepancies in core values of independent living services across networks. (3) Foster care social workers still struggle to establish equal cooperative relationships with foster parents and foster youths. (4) Participation and expression rights of foster youths are often overlooked in independent living services. (5) Foster care social workers lack expertise in providing independent living training for foster youths with disabilities.Suggestions: 1. Policy level: (1) Make independent living services and subsidies closer to the needs of youth. (2) Enhance the service capacity of independent living services. (3) Revise current laws and policies regarding the interpretation and definition of"independent living". 2. Practice level: (1) Fully implement the participation and expression rights of foster youth. (2) Enhance the cultivation of professional capabilities among foster care social workers. (3) Exchange service experiences among various organizations and across networks.寄養服務寄養社工自立生活服務Forster care serviceSocial workers of foster careIndependent living services寄養社工協助寄養少年自立生活服務之研究Research on the Social Workers of Foster Care Working with the Foster Youth for Independent Living Services學術論文