印永翔Ying, Yung-Hsiang李彩霞Lee, Choi-Ha2019-09-032022-08-162019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060455022O%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94659近年來,經濟發展迅速,在全球化的大環境下,國與國之間距離逐漸縮短,全球化的風潮更讓世界各國對於高等教育的價值愈趨重視,台灣在高等教育方面都向著國際化發展。而且愈來愈多人選擇以不同的方式進行跨國學習,每年出國留學就讀的人數逐年攀升,當中台灣的國際學生人數逐年增多。 國際學生不僅對文化輸出有直接效益,更能為國家帶來顯著的經濟效益。因此,高等教育機構和國家政府為了吸引越來越多的潛在學生,希望發展新市場或擴大已經建立的市場。因此,本研究以國立臺灣師範大學(師大)為例,探討如何吸引更多的國際學生來師大就讀。 本研究以文獻分析和與問卷調查為基礎,調查和分析吸引更多國際學生就讀國立臺灣師範大學的相關因素,並提出相關策略,以分析來進行討論,依此提出結論。從研究中可以了解到國際學生的背景資料、就讀科系、教育水平等都會影響到他們會不會推薦親友來師大就讀。本研究結果發現,相對於博士學位,學士學位和交換課程對於國際學生來顯著不吸引,因為學士課程多是以中文授課,以英文為主授課的課程非常少,令國際學生難以了解課程內容。因此,國立臺灣師範大學在學位課程中,可以增多以英文授課的課程,加強課程的國際化層面,從而吸引更多國際學生前來就讀。Due to the fast growing of economic and improvement of technical, nations have become closer in recent years. Nations have attached importance to the value of higher education. Taiwan is becoming to international development in higher education. More and more students not only study at their hometown but also go aboard. Especially Taiwan, the number of international students studying in Taiwan increased year by year. International students not only have direct benefits to cultural output, but also bring significant economic benefits to the country. Therefore, institutions and government in order to attract more and more potential students in Taiwan. This study used National Taiwan Normal University(NTNU) as a case to attract more and more international students to study at NTNU. This study based on the literature analysis and the questionnaire survey to investigate and analysis the relevant factors that attract more international students to study at NTNU. This study results showed that, compared to PhD degrees, bachelors’ and exchange program for international students is less attractive. This study found that bachelor’s programs taught in Chinese. International students hard to understand the course content. Therefore, NTNU can increase the course taught in English to attract more and more international students study in NTNU.全球化高等教育國際化國際學生跨國學習GlobalizationHigher educationInternational studentsCross-Border Leaning國際學生來台就學之吸引力-以國立臺灣師範大學為例Attractiveness of International Students Studying in Taiwan-National Taiwan Normal University as an Example