國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所邱貴發鄭湧涇張俊彥柯華葳郭重吉吳正己胡志偉鄭昭明林煥祥陳昭地張惠博林福來邱美虹2014-10-302014-10-302006-05-12http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34661這個CBAS FT 計畫是PISA 預試(PISA FT)計畫下的選項計畫(Option)。目的在於將CBAS 試題中文化、CBAS 軟體中文化、及測試 CBAS 軟體、硬體、試題、及施測可能發生的問題。也可以視為在協助 OECD建立中文化軟體與軟體及測試 CBAS 的可用性。試題中文化、軟體中文化、及整個施測過程,皆如期完成。由於是預試,中文化及測試工作都是事務性工作,研究的成分不多。但從中文化及測試過程中,教授們都認為 OECD 的電腦化試題的呈現方式很好,軟體也合適,台灣應仿 OECD 模式,建立自己的學生評量方式與工具。但亦認為不宜仍用電腦化評量,應運用網路化評量。CBAS FT is one of the options under the PISA FT project. The purposes of CBAS FT were to adapt the original CBAS test items into Chinese items, to adapt the CBAS software into Chinese systems, and to verify the process of test administration. It is a project that could be regarded as a help project for helping OECD to develop Chinese software and Chinese test items. All the tasks in the process of the field trial have been accomplished. During the course of adapting the items and software, the local professors all felt that Taiwan needs to create her own student assessment program. And Taiwan does need to learn more from the items and software developed by the CBAS project.電腦化評量科學評量電腦化測驗Computer-based assessmentComputer-based testingassessment of scientific literacyPISA台灣參加國際學生評量計畫(PISA 2006)之規劃與推動─電腦測驗工具及電腦素養問卷之研發(乙)