楊文金Wen-Gin Yang陳惠如Hui-Ju Chen2019-09-052009-7-152019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695450191%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104670科學文本為了將科學知識更有系統的組織起來,通常會藉由很多的技術性詞彙來介紹科學概念,而這些訊息再經過語法隱喻、名物化的轉變,更容易讓學生在理解科學文本時遇到閱讀困難。本研究的研究對象為低識讀能力的學生,他們在閱讀科學文本時,可能會對這種語言的特徵產生許多的理解困難,而本研究的目的即是在探討低識讀能力學生在閱讀科學文本時,會遭遇到什麼閱讀困難。 本研究以系統功能語言學的理論為基礎,從小句的語言單位,來探討學生對小句內每個成分的理解情形和可能的閱讀困難。研究的標的文本為康軒版國中自然與生活科技第一冊的「血糖的恆定」,在研究中,經由念課文、訪談等活動,來探討學生的閱讀理解情形。研究的發現有四點,首先,低識讀能力學生對過程詞,無論是動詞或動詞組都有閱讀困難,且在有動詞組形式的兼語句內對辨認各成分間的關係有困難;其次,低識讀能力學生理解參與者時,對深度越深的名詞組會產生越多的閱讀困難;接下來,低識讀能力學生對不同意義的環境成分都有閱讀困難的存在;最後,零代詞的現象會影響學生對其他成分的理解。 研究發現低識讀能力的學生對科學文本會產生很多的閱讀困難,且在小句內的理解就出現問題,更不用說對整個語篇的理解。而藉由系統功能語法的理論,我們可以分析文本,也可以分析學生對科學文本的識讀能力,並進而為不同能力的學生挑選適當的文本。研究發現也提供教師一個從語言的觀點來思考學生學習成就低落的原因,並建議教師將科學內容教學和科學語言教學並重,使學生能夠練習閱讀科學文本的技能,如此一來,他們就能夠從文本中直接得到科學知識。The purpose of this study is to explore low literacy students’ reading difficulty about homeostasis of blood glucose. Previous studies revealed that the language of science may cause difficulties to low literacy students. From the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), the basic unit of meaning is the clause, which can be divided into several types of element. The major types of element are process, participants, and circumstantial elements. In this study, most low literacy students had reading difficulty on the level of clauses. There were four findings in this study. First, low literacy students found it difficult to understand verbs or verb groups, and they were unable to distinguish the participants from the process. Second, the students were unable to understand the meaning of circumstantial elements, which they even conceive as participants sometimes. Third, the students had plenty of difficulties in comprehend with the participants, especially when the noun groups were complex. Finally, the zero anaphor may affect the students to understand the major elements in a clause. The results indicated that the students had misunderstandings during reading scientific texts. To deal with this problem, Systemic Functional Linguistics can help teachers evaluate and locate the difficult parts of scientific texts, and also, help they select appropriate reading materials for students simultaneously.科學文本低識讀能力學生系統功能語言學閱讀困難Scientific TextLow Literacy StudentSystemic Functional LinguisticsReading Difficulty低識讀能力學生對科學文本「血糖的恆定」之閱讀困難研究Study on the Reading Difficulties of Low Literacy Students about