周儒Chou, Ju王昱夫Wang, Yu-Fu2019-09-052016-03-112019-09-052016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060246023S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103579本研究的主要目的是評估關渡自然公園之非市場價值,並瞭解影響關渡自然公園生態系統服務功能之願付價格的因素。 關渡自然公園是國際級的濕地環境學習中心,結合環境教育、生態保育與地方產業振興的功能,在我國環境教育發展上扮演重要的角色。關渡的濕地生態環境還提供了供給服務、調節服務、支持服務與文化服務等四大類生態系統服務功能,為整個社會創造眾多的福祉。然而,這些非市場價值卻不受到重視。 本研究採用條件評估法(contingent valuation method, CVM)中的雙界二元選擇模型(double-bound dichotomous choice model),評估遊客對於維持關渡自然公園生態系統服務功能之願付價格,並運用推論性統計方法,分析生態系統服務功能之認知程度、遊客滿意度及忠誠度、社會經濟背景,對願付價格的關聯性是否會造成顯著差異。 研究結果發現:(一)遊客的支持服務認知程度最高,供給服務認知程度最低;(二)遊客的平均願付價格為1,065.44元,推估關渡自然公園一年約有1億3,500萬元的非市場價值;(三)遊客忠誠度與教育程度會影響遊客的願付價格;(四)曾經捐款給環境保護組織或團體者,其願付價格高於未曾捐款者。The main purpose of this study is to estimate the non-market value of Guandu Nature Park and understand the factors affecting willingness to pay. Guandu Nature Park is a world-class wetland environmental learning center, providing environmental education, ecological conservation and the promotion of local industry. It plays an important role of the development of environmental education in Taiwan. The wetland eco-environment in Guandu also provides ecosystem services, including provisioning services, regulating services, supporting service, and cultural services. Ecosystem services created numerous well-being for the whole of society. However, the non-market valuation were ignored. The double-bound dichotomous choice model of the contingent valuation method (CVM) was employed to estimate tourist’s willingness to pay (WTP) regarding maintaining the ecosystem services in Guandu Nature Park. Inferential Statistics was also employed to analyze the influence of the cognition of ecosystem services, tourists’ satisfaction, tourists’ loyalty and socioeconomic status on willingness to pay. The results show that: (1) The cognition of supporting service is the highest, while the cognition of provisioning services is the lowest; (2) The average annual WTP per person is NT$1,065.44. The non-market value of Guandu Nature Park is about NT$135 million annually. (3) Tourists’ loyalty and education degree would affect WTP. (4) People who have donated money to environmental groups have a higher WTP than those who haven’t.環境學習中心非市場價值評估生態系統服務功能願付價格environmental learning centernon-market valuationecosystem serviceswillingness to pay環境學習中心非市場價值評估–以關渡自然公園為例The Non-Market Valuation of Environmental Learning Center:A Case of Guandu Nature Park