國立臺灣師範大學政治學研究所王冠雄2014-12-022014-12-022011/8-201http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/37307雖然國際媒體傳出中國大陸在2010年3月時提出南海議題涉及中國大陸「核心利益」的說法,但是在2010年7月23日,美國國務卿希拉蕊透過出席東協區域論壇(ASEAN Regional Forum, ARF)時所表示的「美國在南海的國家利益包括了在此一海域的航行自由、自由取得該海域之公共財、以及尊重國際法」,更是促成雙方對於「核心利益」與「國家利益」的立場產生碰撞。在可以預見的未來,中美間對於國際海洋法中若干規範的不同解釋而引發之爭端將會持續出現,而「航行自由」會是一個概括性的議題,更進一步而論,外國船舶在另一沿海國專屬經濟海域中的特定行為,例如海洋科學研究或軍事活動更會是進入論證的主要議題。亦可判斷的是,未來可能發生爭議的活動無可避免地會在我國周圍海域內出現,屆時我國應有如何之判斷與反映,皆須有對海洋法相關條文的立場以及足夠的理論支持。此為本研究所欲達到的目標。本研究首先就國際海洋法中關於在專屬經濟海域內外國船舶權利行使概念與內涵的理解切入,並明確認知沿海國在國際海洋法中特定權利之概念與內涵,透過適當案例進行評析,確保以中立的態度明瞭中美爭議的各自立場,最後將以前述分析為基礎,做出結論。本研究認為,目前在南海海域中所發生的爭端與糾紛,主要根源仍在於對島嶼主權歸屬的認定,以及對於相關海域的利用衝突。南海爭端相關各方當前對於海域的利用和主張,仍可視為基於理性的發展,各方仍然尊重區域內外各國船舶無論是在專屬經濟海域或是可能存在的狹小公海海域內,於現有國際海洋法規範所允許的範圍內,所行使之航行自由權利。Statement made by the US Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton clarifies the ’national interests’ of the United State in the South China Sea which includes freedom of navigation, open access to Asia‘s maritime commons and respect for international law in the South China Sea. It is interpreted as a gesture to express the US intention of intervening into the affairs of the South China Sea disputes. If it is so, then this would be inevitably having conflicts with China, who had already stated that the issue of the South China Sea is one of its ’core interests’.This project takes a look into the legal considerations which serve as basic guidelines for foreign vessels’ freedom of navigation in the exclusive economic zone of a coastal state. Then the issue of ’freedom of navigation’ and other issues, such as ’marine scientific research’ or ’military surveillance and intelligence gathering activities’, would be discussed with the analysis of certain cases studies.The author will discuss the concept through international law as well as through the views of the US and China, and their varying interpretation of the related articles of the 1982 UNCLOS and the purposes behind military surveillance and intelligence gathering activities.It is the purpose of this project that a clear theoretical and practical understanding on the activities within EEZ could be reached, and the result could be served as the background for future policy-making.航行自由專屬經濟海域公海南海海上交通線freedom of navigationexclusive economic zonehigh seasSouth China Seasea lanes of communication國際法視角下南海爭端之發展:專屬經濟海域內活動的爭辯A Study on the Activities in the EEZ: a View from International Law on the Disputes in the South China Sea