李恆儒Lee, Heng-Ju周原禾Chou, Yuan-Ho2022-06-082021-12-312022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/9984c54498b8761473c351747e73f13c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117748緒論: 近年來,國軍開發了一套完整的新式個裝,目前有關此套各裝對於我國軍人在步態上的影響尚未可知,因此需更進一步探討,藉此了解我國軍人在穿著此套個裝時可能會遇到的問題。方法: 10名中華民國國軍為本實驗參與者,國軍新式個裝加上步槍的總重為20公斤,每一位受測者分別需進行控制組 (沒穿) 以及實驗組 (有穿) 的試驗,所有試驗皆在實驗室內鑲嵌著測力板的10公尺走道上以自選速度行走,資料在每一組均收取五次,組間休息五分鐘。實驗使用七台紅外線高速攝影機 (Vicon 200Hz),收取運動學資料,四顆無線肌電電極 (Noraxon 2000Hz),收取四條肌肉肌電資料,一塊測力板 (AMTI 1000Hz),收取動力學資料,統計方法為成對樣本T檢定,統計考驗的顯著水準之α值定義為.05。結果: 實驗組在著地期有較大的髖伸直、內收角度以及膝屈曲、外展角度,並且在軀幹都呈現較為前傾的情況。力矩方面,實驗組有較大的髖屈曲以及外展力矩,膝關節有較大的伸直以及外展力矩,踝關節有較大的蹠屈力矩。肌電方面,實驗組在著地前期,股直肌活化程度較高,在推進前期,股直肌、臀大肌、豎脊肌的活化程度較高,在步態參數方面,步幅以及步頻並無顯著差異,但在著地期的時間則是實驗組有顯著差異的長。質心運動方面,實驗組有較大的垂直方向位移量以及動位能峰值時間差。結論: 由於整體重量加上在個裝中的戰鬥腰帶及軍靴限制了下肢關節在步態上的活動程度,導致下肢關節的負荷增加,未來對於腰帶以及軍靴的佩戴上可以稍作改良,並且在軍事訓練上可以多加強下肢的肌肉力量。Introduction: Recently the R.O.C. Ministry of Defense has developed the new personal military combat suit. The effect of wearing new combat suit on soldiers remain unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of wearing the new personal military combat suit on gait, and figure out the problems that soldiers may encounter. Methods: There were ten male participated soldiers in this study. The whole suit with firearms weigh 20 kg. All groups were walkthrough 10m walkway, which contain the force plate. Each participant has to attend both control (no wear) and experimental (wear) group. Seven cameras (Vicon 200Hz) were used to capture the three-dimensional kinematics data, four surface wireless EMG (Noraxon 2000Hz) were used to capture the muscle activity, one force plate (AMTI 1000Hz) to capture kinetic data. A paired T-test were conducted to determine the effect of new combat suit on gait Result: The experimental group has more hip and knee range of motion, and the trunk show more forward-leaning during the stance phase. Flexion moment and abduction moment is significant increase in hip joint. Extension moment and abduction moment is significant increase in knee joint. Plantar flexion moment is significant increase in ankle. There is a significant increase in stance time with experimental group, but cadence and stride length have no significant different. On the other hand, the experimental group shows more muscle activity on the lower limb and trunk during the pre-swing phase. At last, the experimental group have more displacement on center of mass on the vertical plane and the time between potential energy and kinetic energy peak value. Conclusion: The weight of combat suit, the belt and the boots restrict the movement of lower limbs on gait. As a result, it increases the loading on the lower extremity. The improvement of the belts and boots is the problem needs to be solved in further. In order to improve the loading problem, lower extremity training is critical for the soldiers.軍事裝備生物力學負重能量military load carriagebiomechanicsload carriageenergy國軍新式個裝對於步態之影響The effect of wearing new personal military combat suit on gait學術論文