王如哲陳佩如2019-08-282008-7-32019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695160198%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91259本研究旨在探討我國大學教師對大學教師評鑑之目的、內涵、實施策略與實施現況的態度,並根據研究發現與結論,提出建議,供相關單位作為研擬大學教師評鑑制度之改進參考。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查進行研究,研究對象為公私立大學之專任教師,共計發出847份問卷,實得有效問卷437份,問卷回收率達50.4%,問卷處理採SPSS for Windows 12.0統計套裝軟體進行統計分析並歸納整理開放性問題之陳述。 綜合文獻探討與問卷調查所得資料,得到以下結論: 一、職級愈高、服務年資愈長、有擔任行政主管或教評單位委員之填答者愈能肯定大學教師評鑑之專業成長目的及績效控制目的之重要性。 二、大學教師對於評鑑目的的看法,以「激勵教師成長,發揮專業服務精神」、「提供教師工作表現回饋,作為改進與發展的參考」、「提升教師素質,建立教師專業形象」等專業成長目的最受重視。 三、整體而言,不同背景變項的大學教師對於教學、研究、服務、輔導規準項目及權重看法有差異且複雜,凸顯個別教師發展的差異性及獨特性。 四、在教學規準中,以學生教學問卷作為教學評鑑項目最不受大學教師認同,但仍肯定學生意見於衡量教師工作表現的重要性。 五、在研究規準中,工程製造及營造領域對「於國外期刊發表論文」之重視程度顯著高於教育人文及藝術領域;而教育人文及藝術領域對「出版專門著作」之重視程度顯著高於農學及科學領域和工程製造及營造領域。 六、在服務規準中,大學教師較重視校內服務之表現,包括「出席系(所)會議」、「與校內行政業務之配合度」、「參與系(所)相關活動」,其中擔行政主管或教評單位委員之教師在各項的反應顯著高於無擔任行政主管或教評單位委員之教師。 七、在輔導規準中,大學教師較重視學生學習輔導層面,包括「指導學生課業」、「規劃固定師生晤談時間」。 八、大學教師對於評鑑權重之排序依序為「教學」、「研究」、「輔導」及「服務」,而公立大學在「研究」一項之權重顯著高於私立大學。 九、大學教師最贊同的評鑑方式為「以受評教師檔案評量的方式」、「以填寫自我評鑑撿核表的方式」、「以訪談學生的方式」。 十、大學教師最贊同的評鑑參與人員包括「由教師自我評鑑」、「由校外專家人士或專業機構進行評鑑」。 十一、大學教師最認同的評鑑結果方式為「作為輔導教師改進之參考依據」、「作為教師升等之參考依據」、「作為表揚優良教師之參考依據」。 十二、大學教師認為教師評鑑重要的行政程序應包含「制訂周詳的教師評鑑法規」、「擬訂具體有效的教師評鑑計畫」、「建立完整的教師申覆/申訴管道」、「告知受評者評鑑結果及評鑑結果的原因」、「召開公聽會或說明會向受評教師說明教師評鑑的內容與過程」、「設立後設評鑑機制」。 十三、大學教師認為重要的教師評鑑原則應包含「評鑑目標明確」、「蒐集資料客觀多元」、「評鑑結果應用具合理性」、「評鑑程序規劃周詳完整」。 十四、大學教師參與教師評鑑之程度愈高對教師評鑑之評鑑目的、評鑑規準的態度愈正向。 十五、大學教師對大學教師評鑑實施現況大多抱持正面態度。The main purposes of this study are to investigate college teachers’ attitude on the contents and relevant measures of teacher evaluation system in college, and to provide some suggestions to the people who will apply it. The method adopted for the research was questionnaire survey. Questionnaires were delivered to 847 college teachers, and 427 out of the 847 questionnaires sent out were effective. The statistics software tool used for the questionnaire analysis is the SPSS for Windows version 12.0 , besides, the open-ended questions are to be analyzed and generalized. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. College teachers who are in the higher position, the longer seniority and has been an administrative manager or a member of teacher evaluation committee approve more the importance of the targets of professional growth and the accountability for teacher evaluation. 2. The main evaluation objectives agreed by most college teachers are “to inspire teachers’ growth to develop professional growth”, “to provide the feedback mechanism of teachers’ working performance”, and “to enhance teachers’ quality to establish teachers’ professional image”. 3. Generally speaking, diversified backgrounds of college teachers demonstrate the difference in criteria of teacher evaluation, which means each teacher is unique and diverse. 4. In teaching criteria, most college teachers don’t agree with the instruction rating which written by students , but they still approve the importance of students’ comments in teachers’ working performance. 5. In research criteria, “publishing thesis in foreign journals” in engineering field is more important than that in human science, and “publishing academic works” in human science is more important than engineering and science field. 6. In service criteria, college teachers think highly of servicing in college, including “attending department or institute meetings”, “cooperating with administration business” and “participating in activities about department or institute”. 7. In tutor criteria, college teachers think highly of tutoring in learning of students, including “guiding students’ learning”, “planning regular interview time for teacher and student”. 8. The rankings of the evaluation criteria are “teaching”, “researching”, “tutoring” and “servicing”. Besides, the ranking of “researching” in public colleges is higher than that in private colleges. 9. The main evaluation methods agreed by most college teachers are “portfolios assessment”, “self-assessment form” and “students interview”. 10. The main evaluators agreed by most college teachers are “self evaluation” and “professional organizations or experts”. 11. The main modes of the evaluation results agreed by most college teachers are “to be the reference of counseling the improvement”, “to be the reference of teacher’s promotion” and ”to be the reference of rewarding the well-performed teachers ”. 12. The main administrative procedures agreed by college teachers are “formulating detailed teacher evaluation regulations ”, “developing specific teacher evaluation plans”, “establishing complete systems for complaints ”, “informing teachers the evaluation results and the reasons”, “holding meetings to notify the contents and processes of evaluation” and “incorporating a meta- evaluation mechanism”. 13. The main evaluation principles agreed by college teachers should include “the evaluation targets are explicit”, “the evaluation data is objective and various”, “the appliance of the evaluation results is reasonable”, “The plan of the evaluation processes is complete ”. 14. The more college teachers are involved in teacher evaluation, the more positive their attitude towards evaluation objections and criteria is. 15. Most college teachers have positive attitude on the teacher evaluation.大學教師教師評鑑大學教師評鑑college teacherteacher evaluationteacher evaluation in college我國大學教師對大學教師評鑑態度之研究