朱文增蘇新傑2019-09-052011-8-22019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698310287%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107827本研究目的為瞭解參與足球的現況,及觀賞2010世界盃足球賽的情形。本研究的問卷量表以Plummer (1974) 的生活型態量表,來瞭解觀賞者的活動、興趣、意見上的生活模式。以Trail與James (2001) 所發展的MSSC量表及Funk, Mahony, 與Ridinger (2002) 所發展的SII量表作為研究藍本,調查民眾觀賞2010年世界盃足球賽的動機。透過Crawford與Godbey (1987) 的休閒阻礙類型探討國內參與足球運動的阻礙因素。透過頻率、時數、伙伴等問項瞭解民眾平時參與足球運動的狀況及觀賞世界盃的情況。本研究的調查對象為觀賞2010年世界盃足球賽的觀眾,於2011年1月進行研究資料的蒐集。研究結果顯示,民眾觀賞世界盃的主要動機是受到世界盃的精采及刺激所影響,參與足球運動的阻礙則是受到人際間阻礙所影響。年輕學子且熱愛運動對於觀賞世界盃的程度較深,觀賞動機與觀賞行為呈現顯著正相關,參與阻礙則與參與行為呈現顯著負相關。民眾對於足球運動存在著部分喜好,未來足球運動的推展上,應結合世界盃賽事,舉辦小型賽事活動,或透過相關觀賞活動,讓民眾可以直接參與足球運動,政府的足球政策也應從長計議,並提供安全的場地,讓民眾盡情使用。The purpose of this study was to understand the current status of football participation and view of 2010 FIFA World Cup. This study was based on AIO questionnaires by Plummer (1974) , MSSC questionnaires by Trail& James (2001), SII questionnaires by Funk, Mahony, & Ridinger (2002) , and a hierarchical model of leisure constraints by Crawford & Godbey (1987) . The spectators of 2010 FIFA World Cup were surveyed respectively during January 2011. According to research results came with the following conclusions. First, the main motivations of spectating World Cup was excitement of game, and the interpersonal constraints are the main barrier to participate in football. Second, because of loving sport, youngstudents were interested in World Cup more than the others, and there was a significant and positive correlation between spectators’ motivation and behavior, but there was significant and negative correlation between constraints and football participation.世界盃足球賽生活型態觀賞動機觀賞行為參與行為參與阻礙FIFA World Cuplifestylespectators’ motivationconstraintpaticipation民眾生活型態對於足球參與及2010年世界盃足球賽觀賞影響之研究A Study on the influence of lifestyle of people on football participation and view of 2010 FIFA World Cup