陳學志HSUEH-CHIH CHEN林秀玲Hsiu-Ling Lin2019-08-282019-7-152019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0000012107%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90666本研究共分兩大部分,研究一以研究者翻譯並獲得授權之未來時間觀量表,以及劉政宏(2010)所編制的國中小學習動機量表為研究工具,並建立中文化量表的信效度。在信、效度的部分,本量表重測信為 .77~ .95,而Cronbach α係數為 .74~ .85,兩者皆達.001顯著水準,顯示本量表的穩定性佳及內部一致性良好;而建構效度部分各項整體適度指標均達到標準,顯示本量表整體模式適配情形頗為理想。 研究二旨在探討小學生未來時間觀、學習動機及學習成就之相關研究,採用編譯完成之未來時間觀量表,採用「問卷調查法」來進行研究,樣本涵蓋全台灣北、中、南、東四區域的小學四到六年級,依照各地區小學生在全國的比例,共抽樣十一間小學人數約1136位,完成小學生未來時間觀與學習動機、學習成就之調查。 研究發現主要結果發現如下: 一、 瞭解不同背景變項小學生的未來時間觀之差異情形 1. 社經地位中上、父母民主式管教方式、良好親子關係、正向家庭氣氛、父母主動談論未來等背景變項的小學生未來時間觀狀況較佳。 2. 年級越高,未來時間觀顯著較佳;性別、排行、地區、補習等影響不顯著。 二、 小學生未來時間觀會透過學習動機影響學習成就的表現 1. 未來時間觀與學習動機有顯著中度正相關,其中以分量表「延伸性」對學習 動機的預測力最佳;未來時間觀與學習成就有顯著中度正相關,其中以分量 表「連結性」對學習成就的預測力最佳。 2. 小學生未來時間觀會透過學習動機影響學習成就,學習動機具有部分中介效果,可見提高未來時間觀,將會提高學習動機,進而提高學習成就。 最後,根據本研究結果加以討論,提供家庭、學校以及教育研究上的具體建議,以做為後續教育及未來研究的參考。The purpose of this study was divided into two parts, the first part is translated and authorized the future time perspective scale. The results of inventory revealed acceptable reliability and construct validity. The Cronbach α coefficient of future time perspective scale was moderately acceptable with vale from .74 to .85, and Test-retest reliability coefficient was moderately acceptable with vale from .77 to .95. The results of inventory revealed acceptable consistency and stability. The second part of the study was to investigate the relations among future time perspective, student motivations, and academic achievement of elementary school students in Taiwan. The researcher adopted the questionnaire survey in stratifying purposive sampling to investigate the students. There were 1136 students in this study, from 15 different elementary schools in Taiwan. Subjects consisted of students from G4 to G6 in elementary schools. There are three main findings: 1. Created acceptable reliability and construct validity in the Future time perspective Inventory. 2. Obvious differences concerning the future time perspective are shown in the elementary school students of different individual factor and family’s factor. 3. There is significant correlation to the relation between future time perspective, student motivation and academic achievement, and student motivation was a significant mediator between future time perspective and academic performance. The foregoing results were discussed at the latter part of this study. Some concrete suggestions on education of school and family were also provided for future researches.未來時間觀學習動機學習成就future time perspectivestudent motivationacademic achievement小學生未來時間觀、學習動機及學習成就之相關研究The Study of Future time perspective, Student motivations, and Academic achievement of elementary school students in Taiwan