國立臺灣師範大學體育學系王重引卓俊伶2016-08-042016-08-042014-12-011563-3470http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/80255練習安排與外增回饋為影響動作學習的重要因素,過去研究發現漸增情境干擾與漸退回饋均為學習變項。然而,結合兩變項時是否更增進動作學習效果尚未釐清。因此,本研究目的為探討漸增情境干擾結合漸退回饋的動作學習附加效應。40名成年人隨機分派至隨機練習全部回饋、隨機練習漸退回饋、漸增情境干擾全部回饋或漸增情境干擾漸退回饋等四組。實驗工作為序列相對時宜按鍵動作,共計進行108次獲得期試作及24小時後的12次保留測驗試作。研究結果發現:一、在獲得期中,區間的絕對誤差值達顯著差異;二、在保留測驗中,漸增情境干擾漸退與全部回饋組間的絕對誤差值與總變異值無顯著差異;漸增情境干擾漸退回饋組與全部回饋組的絕對誤差值顯著小於隨機練習漸退與全部回饋組。本研究結論:漸增情境干擾練習結合漸退回饋無動作學習的附加效應。Practice scheduling and augmented feedback are important factors that influence motor learning. Previous studies found that increasing contextual interference (ICI) practice and faded feedback (FF) are the learning variables. However, beneficial effect of combining these two variables on motor learning is still unclear. Thus, this study was designed to examine the additive effect for motor learning by combining the increasing contextual interference practice with faded feedback. Forty adults were randomly assigned into four groups: Random-all feedback, random-FF, ICI-all feedback, and ICI-FF groups. Sequential relative timing movement was utilized as an experimental task. One hundred and eight trails were performed in the acquisition phase. Twenty four hours later, twelve trails in the retention test were completed. The obtained results were as follows: (1) AE (absolute error) was significantly different in blocks during acquisition phase. (2) For retention test, AE and E (total variability) were not significantly different between the group combined ICI practice with all feedback and the group combined ICI with FF. Furthermore, AE of groups combined FF and all feedback with ICI practice were found to be significantly lower than that of groups combined FF and all feedback with random practice. In conclusion, no additive effect for motor learning was found when combined increasing contextual interference practice with faded feedback.挑戰點假說工作難度學習變項Challenge point hypothesisTask difficultyLearning variable漸增情境干擾結合漸退回饋Increasing Contextual Interference Combined with Faded Feedback檢驗動作學習的附加效應An Examination of Additive Effect for Motor Learning