國立臺灣師範大學地理學系沈淑敏李明燕蘇淑娟2015-11-172015-11-172010/04-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=2011599http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/75970為鼓勵年輕人認識地理在生活中的重要性,並加強發展各國間地理教育交流,「國際地理 奧林匹亞」(International Geography Olympiad,IGEO)首度於1996 年在荷蘭海牙舉行。我國 自2002 年起在教育部和國科會(科普計畫)支持下,辦理國內競賽,參與國際賽事,並於 2007 年倡議辦理第一屆亞太區域地理奧林匹亞,為促進地理教育之努力,深獲各國好評,並 爭取到2010 年在臺北主辦第八屆國際地理奧林匹亞。 第八屆國際地理奧林匹亞預定在2010 年7 月29 日至8 月4 日舉行,目前籌劃工作正由 國立臺灣師範大學(地理系)、中國地理學會和聖心女中積極辦理中,並邀請國內各地理相關 系所協辦。在活動安排上,除了依慣例舉行三項測驗、文化之夜和戶外參訪等行程,也著重 國內外地理教育人員交流,將配合辦理:(1)國際地理教育座談會, (2)各國地理議題海報發 表(包含我國高中地理奧林匹亞優秀作品之展示),和(3)融入GPS 和GIS 等於競賽活動中。 本計劃之目的為: 1. 激發學生對地理與環境研究的興趣; 2. 鼓勵學生主動關懷在地環境和國際社會議題; 3. 提供各國學生交流的管道,以促進各國之間的了解; 4. 增進地理教育的國際交流; 5. 展現我國在地理教育特色,並彰顯我國之教育成就和國際形象。Geography as a subject in various school levels has unique status to enable students with the fundamental knowledge and skills for their future career. International Geography Olympiad was firstly held in The Hague in 1996; it is an international event especially for students of age 16-19. Taiwan has been attending the event since 2002 and the first Asia-Pacific Regional Geography Olympiad was initiated by Taiwanese geographers and was held in Hsinchu in 2007. With great honors, the 8th IGEO will be held in Taipei. The local organizers are National Taiwan Normal University, the Geographical Society of China located in Taipei and the Sacred Heart High School for Girls. This event will be held from 29 July to 4 August 2010 and the venue will be at the Sacred Heart High School for Girls. The aims are: a. stimulate active interest in geographical and environmental studies among young people; b. encourage young people to care about the environment and social issues from local to global scope; c. facilitate social contacts between young people from different countries; d. promote interaction among international community of geography education; e. exhibit the achievements of geography education in Taiwan.國際地理奧林匹亞地理競賽高中地理International Geography OlympiadGeography competitionHigh-school Geography科普活動---2010年第八屆國際地理奧林匹亞The 8th International Geography Olympiad, 2010