卜小蝶Hsiao-Tieh Pu黃君琦Chun-Chi Huang2019-08-292007-8-192019-08-292007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0092023222%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92210本研究以知識盤點方式探究產業資訊分析機構中資訊分析人員之知識流。並以光電科技工業協進會為個案研究對象,藉由系統化知識盤點方法,包括問卷及深度訪談,分析該機構資訊分析人員之資訊需求、資訊分享管道、過程、及成效,最後嘗試呈現光電科技工業協進會的光電產業知識地圖。盤點的範疇主要包括:資訊分析人員對機構知識管理的認知、個人的知識清單、及對資訊服務單位之需求等。研究結果顯示資訊分析人員的知識管理認知程度與預期有落差、在個人資訊需求上較仰賴即時性資訊、資訊分析人員之專業知識吸收管道仍有不足、及資訊分析成果之外顯化程度仍有不足等。研究結果有助於產業資訊分析機構改善組織知識管理之參考。This study provides a knowledge audit case study of information analysts in the Photonics Industry& Technology Development Association (PIDA), Taiwan .Using questionnaire and in-depth structured interview , the scopes of auditing include information analysts’, information needs and seeking behavior , information sharing channels , knowledge sharing process . The study also attempts to provide a tentative knowledge map of PIDA. The results show that the analysts pay less attention to the knowledge management project in PIDA , construction of their own knowledge inventories and requests to the institute’s information services. It is also shown that the analysts reply more on the timely or new information , a lack of channels to enhance their professional knowledge and the transferring process from tacit to explicit knowledge is less happened. Implications and applications for promotion knowledge management project in the institute is also provided.光電產業知識盤點知識清單知識地圖知識流知識管理optoelectronics industryknowledge auditknowledge inventoryknowledge mapknowledge flowknowledge management產業資訊分析機構之知識盤點研究:以光電科技工業協進會為例