國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所陳子瑋林慶隆何承恩2015-07-032015-07-032012/12-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=2888550http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73841本計畫承繼101 年國家教育研究院編譯發展中心「臺 灣翻譯產業調查研究」之成果,擴大研究範圍探討我 國翻譯產業之各層面。本次計畫規劃以產學關聯為主 軸,分為兩階段。第一階段以翻譯人才訓練機構為研 究對象,檢視翻譯人才培育之現況,並探討翻譯人才 培育現階段成果及所面臨之問題與挑戰。第二階段預 定以翻譯用人機構為對象,探討翻譯人才所應具備之 能力與知識。完成第二階段研究後,將與第一階段之 結果進行交叉比對,並據以分析我國翻譯人才培育機 構所實施之機制是否符合翻譯用人機構之需求。檢討 之結果將可作為我國整體翻譯政策之參考,冀得以加 速翻譯品質之提升。This is a follow-up research of the 2012 study. The goal of this research is to discover the gap between the cultivation and utilization of translators and interpreters. This research is to be conducted in two phases. The first phase is a survey of translation and interpretation training institutions to investigate the current status of training and to find out strength and weakness of the current training mechanisms. The second phase is to survey the demand side of talents, including agencies and direct clients to understand the required capability of T&I talents. Results from the two stages are to be contrasted to identify the gap between training and utilization so as to formulate policies to further develop the translation and interpretation industry.翻譯產學關聯口譯筆譯人才培育translationinterpretationtalentsuniversity/industry臺灣翻譯產學關聯研究Cultivation and Utilization of Translation and