陳書梅陳庭劉振興洪靜婷梁安琪甄景童Chen Su-may Sheih, Ting Chen, Chen-Hsing Liu, Ching-Ting Hung, On-Kei Leong, Keng-Tong Jan2014-10-272014-10-272013-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15175相關研究指出,大學一年級新生常為自我認同、人際關係等所衍生之問題所困,並可能因此變得缺乏自信,或是易衍生不安與焦慮等負面情緒。事實上,大學新生可藉由自助閱讀,體認他人亦有類似的處境,藉以宣洩負面情緒,且進而獲致問題的解決之道,達到「情緒療癒」的效果,此即「書目療法」精神之所在。相關研究顯示,當代社會閱聽人對視覺影像的需求提高,不少大學生亦喜愛閱讀圖文兼具的繪本,準此,繪本實可作為大學新生的情緒療癒素材,為當事者提供紓解負面情緒之管道。爰此,研究者參考相關之繪本書目,選擇故事主題為探討人際關係的繪本《有你,真好!》,並運用半結構式之深度訪談法,以15 位國立臺灣大學大學部一年級新生為研究對象,進行探索性研究,藉以了解該繪本供大學新生紓解之情緒困擾問題類型,並進一步探討大學新生閱讀該繪本時之情緒療癒效用為何,以管窺繪本的療癒性功能。研究結果發現,該繪本可協助大學新生面對自我認同、人際關係,以及分離失落等情緒困擾問題;同時,受訪之大學新生在閱讀的過程中皆能認同繪本《有你,真好!》中的角色,且多數可獲致情緒的淨化,亦能在閱讀後產生新的領悟,並將之應用於現實生活中,從而獲致思想觀念與行為反應上的正向改變。Literatures have shown that freshmen often suffered from emotional disturbance problems, such as self-identity and interpersonal relationship. They might become lack of self-confidence or even overwhelmed by uneasiness and anxiety. In this regard, freshmen can relieve their negative emotions with self-help reading. Hence they might understand that other people have undergone similar experience and learn how to deal with the difficult situation. This is the core of the so-called “bibliotherapy”. In contemporary society, people are more adapted to visual images. In consequence, picture books are read by not only children but also adolescents and grownups, and thus play an adequate role as an emotional healing material for them. Therefore, the researcher looked up related bibliographies, chose a picture book, and provided it to interviewees for reading. The chosen material is “Grand Loup & Petit Loup”, which is about the development of a new interpersonal relationship. Then the researcher conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with 15 freshmen of National Taiwan University, to understand the emotional disturbance problems this picture book can help with and the emotional healing process of each interviewee. The findings revealed that this picture book could help freshmen face their emotional disturbance problems, such as self-identity and interpersonal relationship. Also, the findings showed all of the interviewed freshmen would identify themselves with the characters in the picture book, and most of them underwent emotional catharses during their reading. Finally, all of the interviewees have generated new ideas and perspectives which could be applied in their campus lives.繪本情緒療癒書目療法大學新生Picture BookEmotional HealingBibliotherapyFreshman繪本對大學新生之情緒療癒效用研究A Preliminary Study on Picture Book’s Emotional Healing Efficacy for College Freshman