王麗雲江彥生Wang, Li-YunChiang, Yen-Sheng卓恒瑾Cho, Heng-Chin2023-12-082028-08-162023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a61cf8a5038a2dadff49a5385bb64c76/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119500未達成的教育規劃對心理健康的影響關係,究竟較符合自我差距理論所預測的結果,還是適應韌性理論所提出的調適韌性的展現?本研究運用臺灣青少年成長歷程研究(TYP)提供的縱貫性資料,以迴歸分析方法描繪臺灣青少年到成年初期未達成的教育規劃對個人心理健康的影響。結果顯示,未達成的教育規劃並不會影響臺灣青少年成年初期的心理健康,然而工作與婚姻等重要生活事件則有正面影響。此外,將教育期望向下調整作為調適策略可能產生負面影響,但其效果在不同發展階段呈現異質性。鑑此,本研究就教育實務提出生涯多元價值的輔導建議,並對未來探討未達成的教育規劃議題,提出生命歷程動態軌跡研究的展望。The impact of unrealized educational plans on mental health, whether it aligns more with the predictions of the Self-Discrepancy Theory or the adaptive resilience presented by the Resilience Theory, remains a question. This study employed longitudinal data from the Taiwan Youth Project (TYP) and utilized regression analysis to depict the influence of unrealized educational expectation during adolescence and early adulthood on individual mental health. The findings reveal that unrealized educational plans of Taiwanese adolescents do not significantly affect mental health in early adulthood; however, life events such as employment and marriage exhibit positive effects. Adjusting educational expectations downward as an adaptive strategy might result in adverse consequences, with effects varying across different developmental stages. Based on these results, the study puts forth a few recommendations for educational practice, which include, specifically, sharing multiple definitions of success with students when it comes to career planning. Finally, the author proposes prospects for future research on unrealized educational plans through the lens of dynamic life course trajectories.未達成的教育規劃適應性青少年成年初期生命事件快樂感生活滿意程度Unrealized educational planAdaptabilityAdolescenceEarly adulthoodLife eventsHappinessLife satisfaction臺灣青少年未達成的教育規劃對其心理健康影響之縱貫性研究A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Unrealized Educational Plan on Mental Health among Taiwanese Adolescentsetd