晏涵文林季玲2019-08-282004-8-102019-08-282004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000199%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88067II 本研究主旨在探討國二學生參與性教育介入方案的學習成效及 意見,並發展一套系統化的國中生性知識、性態度、行為意向、自我 效能的實驗方案,進而評價此方案的實施成效。 本研究設計為期三天的團體發展活動,實施方式乃透過生動有 趣的活動設計與適當的教育方式,使青少年從參與活動中,學習探索 個人有關生理、心理之狀況,及參與社會人際溝通之分享,進而認識 自己與他人的性別角色,並在尊重、接納的兩性互動中學習和諧共處 之道,以培養青少年具備正確健康的性態度,促進青少年擁有成熟負 本研究採用「不相等實驗組控制組設計」,以高雄縣立蚵寮國中 國二學生四個班共143 人為研究對象。實驗組參與為期三天的營會活 動,以作為性教育的介入研究,對照組則不接受任何實驗處理,實驗 結束後,進行實驗組與對照組之比較,以了解兩組在實施性教育上改 研究過程的測量,兩組青少年在介入活動前先施行「性知識、 性態度、行為意向、自我效能量表」問卷前測,以作為評量實驗結果 的比較基礎,教學結束後一週進行問卷後測,以了解教學後的立即效 果,一個月之後再進行問卷的後後測,以追蹤教學介入的延宕效果。 資料以皮爾森積差相關、卡方檢定、配對t 考驗、單因子共變數分析 等進行分析,評估兩組學生在性知識、性態度、性行為意向及性相關 自我效能之改變情形,得到研究結論及結果如下:III 1、在參與三天營會活動後,能有效增進學生的性知識,而性態度、 性行為意向、性相關自我效能雖未有顯著的提昇,但從回饋問卷 資料中,可發現本方案對成員有正面的影響。 2、性教育介入計畫能顯著增進實驗組學生的性知識,而且經過一個 月後,介入的影響效果仍能持續。 3、研究對象的性知識、性態度、性行為意向、性相關自我效能有顯 著相關。 4、實驗組對性教育介入計畫的滿意情形,整體而言,有九成六的人 表示喜歡此課程,有九成九的學生表示在兩性相處上有幫助,近 七成的學生認為老師教得非常好。在實驗結束的回饋問卷中,可 看出本實驗方案對其性態度、行為意向、自我效能有正向的輔導 效果。This study investigated the learning results and responses of students in the second-grade junior high school who participated in the “Sex Education Intervention Plan” This study also contributed to the development of a systemized experimental project for the study and self-evaluation of sexual knowledge, attitude, behavioral intention, and self-efficiency of junior high school students. The three-day group development activities were held and through interesting activity design and educational method individual students were inspired to explore self-understanding of their own physical and psychological status while they participated in the program. Through communicating and sharing with others, the youngsters will learn more about their gender roles as well as mature and responsible sexual This study adopted the “Unequal Number of Experimental and Control Group Design” by examining 143 subjects in four-second year classes at the Ke-Liao Junior High School. During the three-day long camp, sex education was introduced to participants in the controlgroup and no experimental method was used in the test group. The conclusion was drawn based on the similarities and differences of these two groups in understanding how the students changed after the introduction of the sex education course. During the measurement process, two groups of students were surveyed using questionnaires on the “evaluation on sex knowledge, attitude, behavioral intention, and self-efficiency” before the intervention to use as the comparison base. One week after intervention, a follow-up survey was conducted to examine the learning results. One month later, a survey was also distributed to determine the results of the intervention. The data was collected and analyzed using the Pearson Correlation, the Chi-squareTest, the Paired t Test, and One Way ANCOVA to determine changes in sexual knowledge, attitude, behavioral intention, and self-efficiency. The research results and conclusions are as follows: 1.After three-days activities, students’ knowledge of sex education was enhanced effectively. However, sexual attitude, behavioral intention, and self-efficiency was not promoted significantly. But the positive influence was found through the quality-interviews . 2. The sex education intervention project significantly enhanced the sexual knowledge of students. After one month, the results proved continued to be positive. 3. A strong relevance was discovered in sexual knowledge, attitude, behavioral intention, and self-efficiency of subjects. 4. Overall, close to 96% of the participants in the experimental groupindicated that they enjoyed the course and thought the course was interesting. About 99% of the participants suggested the course is helpful and useful in relationship with other sex. About 70% of the students thought the teachers involving in this course had demonstrated excellent teaching . At the end of this experiment, we received positive feedback from the participants, which demonstrated the positive contribution this project could make toward counseling sexual attitude, behavioral intention, and self-efficiency.性教育國二學生性教育介入對國二學生之成效探討-以高雄縣某國中「兩性相處學習營」為例