何懷碩教授Prof. Ho Huai-Shuo陳聖蕙Chen Sheng-Hui2020-12-102010-1-112020-12-102010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695600332%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115340對於人生意義的追求以及自我的探索是我最熱切的課題,它與我在藝術創作上的熱情是二而一的事。自我探索之中包含了個人對生命的體驗與對世界的觀察;透過個體抒發所引發的共鳴,促進了共通的情感。這一切的追求,便是我的創作最根本的源頭。 本篇章除了選出近年的作品加以自剖之外,並試述近代西方的消費型態及通俗文化所興起當代流行的『世界文明』,對我們所處的大環境所造成的變動及其影響,並從深埋在童年的印記開始,發現自小的特殊喜好,如何漸漸走上藝術之路,並列舉中外藝術家對我造成的影響。創作自述除了闡述我對藝術的所思所感之外,期待表達一個在蒙昧中尋索的心靈的熱誠。 愛因斯坦說:「一切宗教、藝術和科學都是同一棵樹上的不同分支。其目的都是為了讓人類的生活趨於高尚,使它從單純的生理存在中昇華,並把個人引向自由。」學問是一切道理的源頭,人所具備的一切行為能力也都展現了自我的哲學思想。舉凡文學、音樂、繪畫、戲劇、舞蹈、雕塑,任何偉大的作品都帶有奔騰流逝的時間,它既沉浸在亙古洪荒之中,又蘊含於最為遙遠的未來之中,這正是藝術表達了人所共同擁有的永恆不變之情感的因素。藝術家往往帶有著強烈的個人特質,擅長將這些情感外顯出來,尋求共鳴和慰藉,是我嚮往的方向。Exploring the meaning of life and my ego is my most interested topic, which is as same as my art creative passion. Self-exploring includes the personal experience and philosophy; one could promote the common emotion by expressing himself or herself. Pursuing the above is the origin of my creation. This thesis not only analyses my recent art works, but also tries to review the influence of “World Civilization” of the Western consumption patterns and popular culture, to trace back to my personal art favorites since my childhood memories, and to introduce some artists’ impact on me. I try to interpret both my art aesthetics and my spiritual enthusiasm for knowledge. Albert Einstein said, “All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom.” Knowledge is the origin of all reason, and human’s behavior shows the philosophy. No matter it is literature, music, painting, drama, dance, or sculpture, any kind of great work could transcend the limitation of time, inheriting the tradition and creating the future, and this is because it expresses the universal feeling. Becoming an artist who has the strong personal style to present the universal feeling is my goal.陳聖蕙創作自述水墨畫Chen Sheng-Hui’s CreationInk painting別有懷抱 — 陳聖蕙創作自述Another Aspiration — Chen Sheng-Hui’s Creation