石明宗Shih, Ming-Tsung吳岱豪WU, Tai-Hao2019-09-052013-08-302019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699320148%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106291自從2000年籃球博士鄭志龍成為第一位加入大陸職業籃球聯盟(CONTINENTAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION,CBA)的臺灣籃球員後,兩岸雙方籃球門戶正式打開。而旅外籃球運動員人數更是逐年增加。2008年到2010年,我國男籃旅外人數比較起2000年已呈現三倍成長,直至2011年更是中華男籃國家隊旅外球員最多的一次,顯示出籃球運動員到外地發展已成了國內籃壇的新趨勢。當中不乏有許多選手在他鄉大放異彩,但也有一些選手在歷經一段時間後黯然的提早返國。 本研究以我國職業籃球運動員為樣本,以文獻分析法、多重個案研究法與半結構深度訪談法,蒐集報章雜誌、網路媒體、論文、書籍等各方資料,透過深度訪談的方式,訪問了三位受訪者,了解其海外適應的情形,並經由分析整理,得到「生活差異」、「文化差異」、「心理差異」、「返臺後工作適應」四個適應層面以及「其他」,包括生活環境、自然條件、文化衝擊、負向情感、因應方式、價值觀改變、與領導者相處、負向組織/球團認同、職場競爭與有無他者陪同等十種概念。 最後,研究者依據本研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議,以提供有意到海外發展的職業籃球運動員等方面的實務應用,並作為未來研究之參考。Ever since the Basketball Dr. Cheng Chih-Lung has become the first basketball player of Taiwan who dedicated to Chinese Basketball Alliance (CBA) in 2000. It officially opened the door of basketball between China and Taiwan. From2008 to 2010 in Taiwan, the number of male professional basketball players was 3 times increased comparing to it in 2000. Until 2011, it has achieved the greatest number of national basketball players’ work overseas in China. Some shined in it outside of the country, some came back home after awhile in eclipse. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to explore the issues of overseas adaptation and the current status among Taiwanese professional basketball players. It is used the way of documentary analysis, multiple case analytic study and semi-structured interview in order to collect information from news paper, internet media, essays, books. In this study, 3 professional basketball players who have ever worked at CBA in China were recruited. In-depth interviews were conducted to understand their overseas adaptations. The findings of this study were categorized into 5 categories: “life adaptation”, “culture adaptation”, “mental adaptation”, “work adaptation” and “the other” includes 10 subcategories: environment, natural condition, culture shock, negative organizational identification, workplace competition, and accompanier.旅外籃球運動員文化適應Overseas Taiwanese Basketball PlayersCultural Adaptation Experiences臺灣旅外籃球運動員 之文化適應與發展現況Taiwanese Basketball Players’ Cultural Adaptation Experiences and development status