湯仁燕Tang, Ren-Yen陳慧珊Chen, Hui-Shan2019-08-292017-07-252019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0503002207%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92552本研究旨在探討國中理化科創意教學之實踐歷程。研究目的有三:探討國中 理化科創意教學課程方案的規劃與實施歷程。分析學生在理化科創意教學實踐歷 程中的學習改變。省思理化科創意教學實踐歷程的教師成長。 本研究對象為新北市某國中九年群班,共 28 人,使用個案研究法。研究者 發揮個人創意巧思,針對創意教學探討的五向度「創意教學理念」、「全方位的課 程設計」、「變化的教學方法」、「多元的評量方式」、「創新的班級經營」規劃理化 課程並實施教學,教學內容為直線運動、力與運動兩單元,共 25 堂課,歷經三 個月。透過教師教學省思日誌、學生理化學習日誌、各式文件、問卷量表等,搜 集質與量的資料,再進行資料的整理、分析。 本研究的研究結果如下: 壹、參照探討創意教學的五向度,教師做課程整體規劃與實施。 (一)教學理念:研究者受個人的求學經驗、教學經驗、生活經驗、教學環境轉 變等因素的影響,轉換後的教學理念為注重團體互動而非個人競爭、注重學 習過程而非知識結果、注重能力培養而非考卷分數、注重知識活用而非記憶 知識。 (二)課程設計:研究者基於前述的教學理念,並將學生的先備經驗、背景與知 識納入學習考量,以及考量各章節的教學目標與創意教學目標,配合課本習 作、影片、自編講義、學習單及生活材料等教學資源做全方位的規劃。 (三)教學方法:彈性實施提問法、小組討論法、自主學習法、腦力激盪法、動 手做科學等教學方法與活動。 (四)評量方式:實施開書考試、實作評量、自我及同儕評量、學習歷程的記錄 批閱等多種評量方式,採用等第制的評分方式為主。 (五)班級經營:研究者營造自由開放、討論學習的班級氣氛,關注每一位學生 的學習狀況,以建立互信的師生關係。 貳、創意教學實施後,學生的學習改變有: (一)改變學生的課程參與經驗,提升學生彼此間的團體互動與課程投入度,並 活化其思考。 (二)培養學生帶得走的能力,批判思考與分析歸納能力進步最多,其次為問題 解決能力、溝通表達能力,設計實驗與數據處理能力進步最少。 (三)創意教學能提升學生的學習興趣,其中任務興趣最高,接著依序為實現興 趣、潛在興趣、文本興趣,最低為知識興趣。 (四)創意教學能提升學生的內在動機,降低外在動機,將學習的目地轉為提升 自己而非追求成績。 (五)教師實施創意教學,對學生的學業成績能維持其水準。 参、創意教學實踐歷程中,教師遭遇的困境有:學生過往對理化的負面印象影響、 討論課程變聊天課程、課程進度來不及等困境並提出解決的策略。 肆、創意教學實踐歷程中,教師的省思與成長有:教師相信每一位孩子都能學習、 重視家長日和家長溝通的機會、利用教學回饋表檢核自己的教學等的省思,從中獲得的成長有課程設計能力的提升、累積福樂經驗、分享並感染其他教 師的喜悅等,支持教師持續學習,提升實施創意教學的動力。 本研究亦說明課程方案內容以及教學過程,以供未來相關的教師和研究人員 參考,並對教學者、學校行政及未來研究提出相關建議。 關鍵詞:創意教學、課程規劃、實踐歷程The purpose of this study is to explore the practice of creative teaching in physics and chemistry in junior high school. The purpose of the study is three fold: To explore the planning and implementation of the curriculum of creative teaching in physics and chemistry in junior high school.Analysis of students’ learning changes in the course of creative teaching in physical and chemical. Thinking teacher’s growth during creative teaching practice. The Object of study is ninth grade group class in New Taipei City, a total of 28 people, using the case study method.Researchers play to play personal creative ingenuity, for the five dimensions of creative teaching "Creative teaching philosophy", "changing teaching methods", "all-round curriculum design", "multiple assessment methods", "innovative class management" planning and implementation of teaching, teaching content for the linear movement, force and movement of two units a total of 25 classes, after three months. Through the teacher teaching-thinking log, students physics and chemistry learning log, all kinds of documents, questionnaire scale, etc., to collect the quality and quantity of information, and then data collation, analysis. The results of this study are as follows: 1, Teachers do the overall planning and implementation of the course with reference to explore the five dimensions of creative teaching. (A)Teaching philosophy: the researchers by personal experience, teaching experience,life experience, teaching environment.Change the role of the factors, the conversion of the teaching philosophy to focus on group interaction rather than individual competition, pay attention to the learning process rather than knowledge results, focus on capacity training rather than test scores, pay attention to knowledge rather than memory knowledge. (B)Curriculum design: the researchers based on the aforementioned teaching philosophy, and the students of the first experience, background and knowledge.Knowledge into the study considerations, and consider the chapters of the teaching objectives and creative teaching objectives, with the textbooks, film, self-made lectures, learning and living materials and other teaching resources to do all-round planning. (C)Teaching methods: flexible implementation of questioning method, group discussion law, autonomous learning method, brainstorming method, hands to do science and other teaching methods and activities. (D)Assessmentmethods: the open book exam, the actual assessment, self and peer assessment, learning history of the record ,approval and other evaluation methods, the use of the scoring method is grade point average. (E)Class management: the researchers create a free and open discussion of classroom atmosphere and focus on each student's learning conditions, in order to establish mutual trust teacher-student relationship. 2, After t creative teaching , the student's learning changes are: (A)Creative teaching can change the students’ participate experience in the curriculum, to enhance the interaction between students and course participation, and activate its thinking. (B)Creative teaching can cultivate the ability of students to take, and the ability to criticize and analyze the induction ability is the most, followed by problem solving ability, communication ability, design experiment and data processing ability. (C)Creative teaching can enhance students' interest in learning, with the highest interest in the task, followed by achieve, potential, text, and interest for knowledge. (D)Creative teaching can enhance the intrinsic motivation of students, reduce external motivation, the purpose of learning to upgrade themselves rather than the pursuit of performance. (E) teachers to implement creative teaching, the student's academic performance can maintain its level. 3,The participation of creative teaching , teachers encounter students in the past on the physics and chemistry negative impression,discussion class become chatroom, students worry the course progress...teacher have trouble and propose a solution to the strategy. 4,The participation of creative teaching,the teacher's thinking and growth are: Teachers believe that every child can learn, pay attention to the opportunity to communicate with parents on parents’ day, use the teaching feedback form to check their own teaching, from which the teachers can learn, The growth of the curriculum has improved the ability of curriculum design, accumulated experience, shared and infected with the joy of other teachers to support teachers to continue to learn to enhance the implementation of creative teaching motivation. The study also describes the content of the program and the teaching process for future reference by relevant teachers and researchers and makes recommendations for instructors, school administration and future research. Keywords: creative teaching, curriculum planning, practical process創意教學課程規劃實踐歷程creative teachingcurriculum planningpractical process國中理化科創意教學實踐歷程之探究A Probe into the Practice of Creative Teaching in Physics and Chemistry in Junior High School