游進年Yu, Chin-Nien黃佳雯Huang, Chia-Wen2019-08-282018-07-282019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0598003108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89600臺北市國民中學兼任與專任輔導教師輔導工作之研究 中文摘要 本研究旨在探討臺北市國民中學兼任與專任輔導教師輔導工作在行政參與、課程教學及個案輔導三個層面的現況、困境與解決策略。研究對象為3 位輔導行政人員、3 位兼任輔導教師、3 位專任輔導教師共9 位訪談者,以半結構式訪談進行資料蒐集與整理。 本研究在探討臺北市國民中學兼任與專任輔導教師輔導工作,其結論歸納如下: 壹、兼任與專任輔導教師在行政參與現況主要包括協助各項輔導專案的推 動,參加專業社群、專案評鑑與研習及帶領實習教師。 貳、兼任與專任輔導教師在課程教學現況主要包括將特色課程融入輔導活 動,以推展生涯適性輔導工作為主軸和實施小團體輔導。 參、兼任與專任輔導教師個案輔導現況主要包括參加分區督導會議或邀請 專業督導到校協助,個案類型多樣貌與撰寫個案紀錄。 肆、兼任與專任輔導教師在行政參與有專案評鑑日漸增多,時間被綁住的 困境 伍、兼任與專任輔導教師在課程教學有非專業教師配課輔導活動增加個案 輔導負荷、生涯適性輔導工作亂、實施小團體時間與空間不足的困 境。 陸、兼任與專任輔導教師在個案輔導方面有約談學生時間困難重重、輔導 紀錄成為回憶錄、輔導就是萬靈丹不切實際期待之困境。 柒、兼任與專任輔導教師提出各項評鑑統整或減少,升學訊息統整、減少 統計表單並給與充分時間運作為行政參與困境之解決策略。 捌、兼任與專任輔導教師提出生涯適性輔導配套措施能充實硬體設備,課 程教案以團隊合作方式共同分享為課程教學困境之解決策略。 玖、兼任與專任輔導教師提出輔導教師為專業背景、與導師合作、參加分 區督導會議、學校教師發掘學生的亮點為主要個案輔導困境之解決策 略。 根據上述之研究結果,提供建議以供教育主管機關、學校、兼任與專任輔導老師及後續研究者之參考。 關鍵詞:兼任輔導教師、專任輔導教師、輔導工作 The study of counseling work for school counselors and professional school counselors in junior high schools in Taipei city Abstract The purpose of this research was to explore the current situation, difficulty and problem-solving strategies among these three dimensions of administration participation, curriculum teaching, and individual counseling in counseling work for school counselors and professional school counselors in junior high schools in Taipei. Three counseling administrator, three school counselors and three professional school counselors were invited to share their experiences through semi-structured interviews for data collection and analysis. The research findings of the counseling work for school counselors and professional school counselors are as follows: 1. The current situation in administration participation for school counselors and professional school counselors mainly includes assisting with the promotion of all counseling projects,participating professional community project evaluation, as well as leading intern school counselors. 2. The current situation in curriculum teaching for school counselors and professional school counselors mainly includes integrating special courses in guidance curriculum, promoting adapted career counseling, as well as implementing group counseling. 3. The current situation in individual counseling for school counselors and professional school counselors mainly includes participating divisional supervision meetings or inviting professional supervisors coming to schools,and writing progress notes for individual counseling owing to the issues of student clients becoming more diverse. 4. The current difficulty in administration participation for school counselors and professional school counselors mainly includes the loading of project evaluation becoming increasing that decreasing the available usage of time. 5. The current difficulty in curriculum teaching for school counselors and professional school counselors is that non-professional teachers share some of the guidance courses, which leads to increasing individual counseling loading, ineffective adapted career counseling work, as well as insufficient space for group counseling. 6. The current difficulty in individual counseling includes that scheduling suitable counseling time with students is difficult, that making progress notes becomes memory notes, that client issues are complicated, and that there is impractical expectation of counseling as miracle medicine. 7. The interviewees provide some problem-solving strategies for current difficulty in administration participation that include integrating or decreasing all kinds of project evaluation, integrating education access information, decreasing statistical forms, and allowing sufficient time to operate. 8. The interviewees provide some problem-solving strategies for current difficulty in curriculum teaching that include enriching hardware equipment supporting adapted career counseling, and sharing teaching plans through cooperative teamwork. 9. The interviewees provide some problem-solving strategies for current difficulty in individual counseling that include ensuring guidance teachers having professional backgrounds, cooperating with class teachers, participating divisional supervision meetings, and school teachers exploring students’ strengths. According to the research findings, the researcher brought up the recommendations for the Ministry of Education, schools, school counselors and professional school counselors, and future researchers for reference. Key Words: School Counselors, Professional School Counselors, School Counseling兼任輔導教師專任輔導教師輔導工作School CounselorsProfessional School CounselorsSchool Counseling臺北市國民中學兼任與專任輔導教師輔導工作之研究The study of counseling work for school counselors and professional school counselors in junior high schools in Taipei city.