李 晶Ching Li陳裕仁Yu-Jen Chen2019-09-052009-5-302019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694310174%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107678為了提升高齡者健康與優質的生活品質,本研究目的旨在探討臺北市休閒服務系統現況對高齡者休閒參與的影響。本研究配合國科會計畫「NSC96-2413-H-003- 028-智慧型生活環境科技對高齡者休閒活動參與影響研究-以臺北市為例」,對臺北市65歲以上高齡者進行調查,以叢集抽樣法進行抽樣。調查時間從2008年3月至4月,有效樣本430份,所得資料經分析後,得到以下結果有:1.台北市各休閒服務系統資源數量並非均質分佈。2.高齡者以女性居多,平均年齡約74歲,有超過7成4的高齡者皆有國中以上學歷,且多為已婚與配偶家人同住,退休前職業以家管比例最高。3.高齡者每周平均休閒總時間約57小時,休閒次數約24次,且都以在家進行休閒的總時間與次數比例最高,而在平均持續時間上,周末搭乘交通工具從事休閒活動花費3.58小時最長。高齡者在家以進行靜態性休閒為主,走路能到範圍內以低強度體能性休閒為主,搭乘交通工具參與休閒活動上,以知識性、康樂性與體能性休閒為主。4.高齡者個人背景變項集群結果對「走路進行休閒活動」的總時間、次數與平均持續時間有顯著差異。5.休閒服務系統對「走路進行休閒活動」與「搭乘交通工具進行休閒活動」的總時間、次數與平均持續時間有顯著差異。本研究建議政府相關單位可提供休閒巡迴車、增加休閒服務安全性、提升社區休閒服務內容與豐富休閒服務深度,以營造完整休閒服務系統增加高齡者休閒參與意願。另一方面,高齡者可在平日多從事低強度的社區休閒服務,到了假日則多從事遠距離的區域型休閒服務以豐富其生活。To provide elders healthy environment and quality life, the purpose of the study was to reveal how leisure service systems affect the elders in leisure participation. By the NSC96-2413-H-003-028 of the proposal of National Science Council, the study used structured questionnaire to conduct face-to-face interviews. The period of data collection was from March to April in 2008. The study collected 430 subjects of elders in Taipei. The results were:1. The resources of leisure service systems resources in six chosen areas in Taipei were different. 2. Most of the elders were female, the average age was 74. 74 percent of them have the education degree of junior high school or above. Most of them were married and lived with family. Most of the elders were housewives before they retired. 3. In a week, the subjects spent 57 hours on leisure. They participated in leisure activities for 24 times every week. The subjects always participated in leisure activities at home. In the weekend, the subjects could spend 3.58 hours on participating in leisure activities by using transportation. The subjects always participated in undisturbed leisure at home, and they walked to do the physical fitness around the neighborhoods. The subjects would participate in some leisure courses, recreational activites, and physical fitness by using transportation. 4. The conclusion of two-stage clustering indicated that the different backgrounds of the elders had significant difference on total time, frequency, and length of time on walking participating in leisure activities. 5. Leisure service systems had significant difference not only walking participating in leisure activities but also participating in leisure activities by using transportation. In order to build a friendly leisure environment, the authorities should offer dial a ride for a specific person to increase participating in leisure activities, and they should offer the exposition to remind the elders. The authorities should establish high quality leisure facilities to increase the leisure demand for elders. Besides, the elders could raise the desire participating in physical fitness around the neighborhoods, and the elders could participate in leisure activities with families by using transfortation in the weekend.休閒服務高齡者休閒參與leisure serviceseldersleisure participation休閒服務系統對高齡者休閒參與之影響-以臺北市為例The Research of the Leisure Service Systems for the Leisure Participation of Elders in Taipei