廖偉民Liao, Wei-Min蔡典益Tsai, Tien-Yi2020-12-142020-09-132020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0001682119%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111405隨著社會型態與經濟的改變,喜慶宴客幾乎都是在室內舉行,不但有富麗堂皇或是主題型的室內設計與造景,亦有舒服的環境與桌椅,臺灣原本重要的傳統辦桌文化受到嚴重的擠壓,不但容許擺桌設宴的場地減少了,加上戶外天氣熱,雖有業者開發出可搭配棚子使用的戶外冷氣車,但所費不貲。另外亦有不少辦桌或桌椅租賃業者採用與餐廳飯店同樣的桌椅布置,但整體的風格卻顯得混亂。雖然辦桌業者不斷地改良與更新,仍抵擋不住時代與觀念的變遷,亦吸引不了年輕人欲喜慶宴客時的首選。本創作研究藉由文獻探討臺灣辦桌產業,了解到辦桌的發展與產業狀況,並了解到其文化特色。也在網路購物、網路餐飲品牌、冷凍即食品等相關文獻資料中,也可得知消費者對於網路購物的消費習慣與喜好。並透過對問卷調查結果綜合分析後,了解消費者幾乎都曾吃過或聽過辦桌,也對辦桌的人情味特別有濃厚記憶;且消費者在網路購物時會在意照片不應差異過大、加熱應簡單明瞭等習慣。因此在進行將辦桌轉化為網路餐飲設計創作時,應將辦桌的特色與文化內涵融入於品牌與相關的商品設計中,加深消費者與辦桌的鏈結與印象。而且在辦桌菜餚的選擇上,應該符合消費者對於即食加熱料理的飲食習慣,並附上清楚明瞭且以圖示資訊為主的加熱方式,讓消費者可以輕鬆照著步驟還原辦桌菜餚。最後依照現代消費者的家庭狀況,區分為:小家庭、單身族與朋友聚餐三大類別,並針對這三大類別進行主題包裝系列創作,讓消費者在選擇餐點時,可以依照使用情境進行選購。期望本創作研究可供未來欲轉型的辦桌產業或是傳統餐飲產業,想要藉由網路販售餐飲時,可以有個參考依據,除了延續其餐飲的生命力與文化外,更期待能夠在網路上創造新價值,讓更多的消費者可以品嚐到來自各地的美味佳餚。As social formation and economy change, most wedding receptions and banquets are held indoors. Feasts are catered in restaurants, which not only provide grand or themed interior design and landscape but also a comfortable ambiance. As a result, the once-important culture of traditional Taiwanese roadside banquet is seriously squeezed. There are less areas allowed to hold roadside banquets. Also, due to hot weather, some catering businesses equip industrial portable air conditioners to cool outdoor tents; however, these machines are costly. In addition, many caterers or furniture rentals adopt table and chair sets similar to those of restaurants and hotels; nevertheless, their overall style seems chaotic. Though catering businesses continuously improve and renew themselves, changes of times and conceptions wash away the tradition of roadside banquet. Therefore, roadside banquet fails to be the priority for young people when they want to hold banquets. This creation research aims to explore through literature review about Taiwanese roadside banquet, including the developments, current situations and cultural features of roadside banquet industry. Apart from this, consumers’ online shopping habits and preferences can be known through the related literature review, such as e-commerce, online food brands and frozen instant food. The comprehensive analysis of the result of questionnaires shows that many consumers have participated in or heard of roadside banquet; also, they have been deeply impressed by its warm hospitality. When it comes to food purchase online, consumers expect little difference between images on advertisement and real food, simple heating process of food, and so on. Thus, it ought to integrate the features and cultural implications of roadside banquet into the related branding and product design in order to impress consumers with the link to roadside banquet while transforming traditional roadside banquet into online food design creation. In addition, choose dishes easy to cook with clear graphic instructions to meet consumers’ needs for self-heating meals, enabling consumers to lightly enjoy roadside banquets step-by-step. Last, divide dining into three categories according to the family conditions of modern consumers: nuclear family meal, meals for singles, and party with friends. Design themed packages series according to these categories, thus consumers can choose meals accordingly. This creation research is expected to be for reference to traditional roadside banquet and catering businesses which intend to transform into e-commerce and sell their meals online in the future. It aims not only to pass down the vitality and culture of roadside banquet but also to introduce diverse choices of delicious meals to more consumers by creating new values of roadside banquet online.辦桌網路餐飲餐飲品牌包裝設計roadside banquetonline food businessfood brandpackage design傳統辦桌轉型為網路餐飲品牌之創作研究Creation Research on the Transformation of Traditional Taiwanese Roadside Banquet into Online Food Brand