單文經博士董育明2019-08-282006-6-302019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0592003023%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89598本研究旨在檢討國民中學語文(英語)學習領域實施九年一貫課程的現況。研究者以相關文獻的探討為基礎來理解英語學習領域課程之特色、實施現況與問題;其次,就民國三十七年以至民國八十九年九年一貫課程綱要頒佈期間,各次修訂之課程標準或課程綱要為依據,詳為分析其課程目標及相關內容之變與不變,俾便掌握其演進的趨向與發展的重點。同時,研究者於九十四年六月至十月期間,透過四所國民中學六位英語教師之訪談,獲得本研究之結論如下: 壹、九年一貫課程理念方面:一、「十項基本能力」的迷思;二、多元入學方案的實施。 貳、課程教材及學習方面:一、運用審定教本再參考國定課程綱要,妥善規劃課程之教學內容;二、可聘請外籍教學顧問或教師以協助課程的實施;三、注重國中小課程銜接;四、改善環境設備、促進課程統整,安排主題統整週;五、建立系統的在職進修制度。參、教學評量方面:一、國中基本學力測驗影響教學;二、運用多元智能理論,採取多元評量。 依據上述之結論,研究者分別對提出相關的建議如下:壹、對主管教育行政機關之建議:一、落實課程評鑑;二、因應課程改變,增進教師專業能力;三、國中、小英語師資合流培育。貳、對課程教學上的建議:一、實施英語分級式的能力分組教學;二、編選符合溝通式教學觀之教材、並施行溝通式教學。最後,研究者並從研究領域及研究對象二方面提出對未來研究之建議。This research examines the implementation of English curriculum in junior high school. Based on relevant documents, the researcher tries to clarify the characteristic, implementation, and the problems of English curriculum. Also, to grasp the trend and points of development, the researcher will analyze the differences between the course stands revised from 1948 to 2000, and, at the same time, make conclusions through interviewing six teachers serving in four junior high schools. Idea of the Grade 1-9 curriculum: 1. Myth of “Ten basic abilities”.2. Implementation of the Multiple Enrollment Program. Teaching material and studying: 1. Plan for appropriate content by authorized textbooks and course outline. 2. Ask foreign counselors and teachers for assistance. 3. Pay attention to the adjoining of curriculum for elementary and junior high school students. 4. Improve materials, enhance curriculum integration, and arrange integrated activities taken in a whole week. 5. Set up systematic in-service training system. Evaluation of Teaching: 1. Influences of BCTEST on teaching. 2. Usage of the plural intellectual theory, and the adaptation of plural evaluation. Here are some proposals based on the conclusions above: Suggestions to the educational administration: 1. Fulfillment of curriculum evaluation. 2. Enhancement of teachers’ skills. 3.Combined cultivation of English teachers serving in elementary and junior high schools. Suggestions for the teaching skills. 1. English ability-oriented group teaching. 2. Choose appropriate materials for as well as implement communicative teaching. Finally, the researcher will propose for further studies from the respects of research field and object.九年一貫課程課程綱要課程標準溝通式教學Grade 1-9 curriculumstandard of junior high school curriculumcurriculum guidelinecommunicative language teaching國民中學語文〈英語〉學習領域實施九年一貫課程的現況之檢討