張譽騰Yu-Teng Chang陳苾瑄Bi-Syuan Chen2019-08-292014-8-282019-08-292014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060002023E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92370在2008年臺灣開放大陸旅客來臺觀光後,每年來臺觀光的陸客人次日益增加,其中國立故宮博物院更是陸客來臺的必遊之地。而面臨大量陸客的到訪,博物館也受到相當大的衝擊,其內部也引發了各式問題,顯示出現階段的不足。故宮方面也產生了自身對於觀光的反思性,藉由訂定觀光策略,重新定位國立故宮博物院在全球的角色。 本研究希望探討陸客來臺觀光的觀光凝視為何,另一方面則對於國立故宮博物院目前面臨陸客所造成的許多現象進行研究。藉由深度訪談法與文件分析法,來瞭解陸客對於來臺觀光的觀光凝視為何,以及國立故宮博物院現階段對於陸客現象的回應。 對於陸客來說,他們一直充滿著對於臺灣的想像,更是期望有一天能夠來到這個地方,國立故宮博物院更是其中的必訪之地。也因此陸客抱持著朝聖的心情來到了臺灣,成為了現代的朝聖者,並捕捉各式的符號作為旅程的紀念。而國立故宮博物院面臨的大量陸客的來訪,也顯示出現有的不足之處,產生了觀光反思性,並採取許多因應措施來回應,例如延長開放時間、人流控管等措施。也預計藉由分館與擴建計畫提昇博物館格局,以紓解目前的陸客現象。國立故宮博物院未來可藉由觀光反思性,重新定位在全球當中的角色,以作為自我提升的準則。At the year of 2008, Taiwan open the gate for Chinese tourists. Afterwards, the amount of PRC travelers increased rapid, especially the number of the tourists in National Palace Museum (NPM), as NPM is widely regarded as one of the must-see spots. Facing the huge amount of Chinese tourists, NPM also encountered great impacts and many disputes, which shows the insufficiency of space at the present stage. Therefore, in order to redefine the role in the world stage, NPM started to introspect itself for tourism by resetting the tourist strategies. This study hopes to explore not only the tourist gaze of those Chinese tourists in Taiwan, but also the phenomena caused by Chinese tourists in NPM. With deep interviews and document analysis, we hope to understand not only the tourist gaze of those Chinese tourists who come to visit Taiwan, but also the responses from the NPM administration for those phenomena at present stage. For those Chinese tourists, they have been holding a lot of illusions for Taiwan when expecting and planning their visits here. They become modern pilgrims, with the mood of pilgrimage to come to Taiwan. NPM becomes one stop in this pilgrimage. At the same time, they try to gather different symbols during the trip and make it objectify. Facing the huge amount of Chinese tourists, NPM also encounters a great impact and many disputes. It engages in introspection by positioning the character in the world, resetting the tourism strategies and working out the counter-measures such as extending the opening hours and controlling the amount of people. In the future, NPM also wishes to become an international museum by regarding tourist reflectivity as self-improvement criteria.國立故宮博物院陸客觀光凝視觀光反思性National Palace Museum (NPM)Chinese touriststourist gazetourism reflectivity國立故宮博物院陸客現象之解析An Analysis of the Chinese Tourists Phenomena in the National Palace Museum