李景美Lee Ching-Mei林雅婷Lin Ya-Ting2019-08-282012-8-232019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697050012%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87948本研究目的主要是探討高中職吸菸學生戒菸行為改變階段與其相關因素。立意選取臺北縣市八所高中、高職學校,以學校提供之吸菸學生為研究對象,有效樣本為130人。資料整理後以SPSS17.0進行分析。 本研究主要結果敘述如下: 一、研究對象在戒菸行為改變階段方面,以從未考慮戒菸者(無意圖期)較多(42.3%)、其次為考慮戒菸(含意圖期和準備期)(40.0%)、已採取戒菸者為最少(含行動期和維持期)(17.7%)。 二、研究對象的戒菸行為改變階段與社會人口學變項、吸菸情形、及戒菸保護因子有顯著相關。母親教育程度愈低、父母婚姻狀況為單親、尼古丁依賴程度愈低、拒菸態度愈正向、吸菸危險知覺愈高、使用戒菸技巧數目愈多、戒菸自我效能較高、較少要好朋友吸菸、及朋友吸菸態度為不同意者,愈傾向考慮戒菸或已採取戒菸。 三、社會人口學變項、吸菸情形、戒菸經驗、戒菸保護因子可顯著預測青少年戒菸行為改變階段,戒菸行為改變階段以「考慮戒菸」與「從未考慮戒菸」(參照組)來看,並沒有變項顯著預測戒菸行為改變階段;但就「已採取戒菸」與「從未考慮戒菸」(參照組)來看,「母親教育程度」、及「戒菸自我效能」為預測戒菸行為改變階段的重要變項,亦即研究對象的母親教育程度較低、及戒菸自我效能愈高者,愈傾向於已採取戒菸。 依據本研究結果,建議未來相關單位在規劃戒菸教育時,可著重於拒菸態度、吸菸危險知覺、戒菸技巧、及戒菸自我效能,設計戒菸教材,並且建立輔導機制,達到戒菸行為改變的成效。The purpose of this study was to explore the stage of smoking cessation and related factors among adolescents. The subjects were smoking students from eight purposively selected schools in Taipei area. The total number of valid subject was 130. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 17.0. The main findings were presented as follows: 1.Regarding the stage of smoking cessation, 42.3% of the smoking students had never considered quitting smoking (precontemplation stage), 40.0% had considered quitting (contemplation or preparation stage), while 17.7% had quit (action or maintenance stage). 2.The stage of smoking cessation among the students was significantly related to demographic variables, smoking status, and protective factors of cessation. The smoking students who considered quitting smoking or had quit were more likely to have mother in low education level, be from single-parent family, have low nicotine dependence, have positive anti-smoking attitude, have high risk perception of smoking, use more cessation skills, have higher self-efficacy for quit, have few smoking friends, and have friends disagree with smoke. 3.Demographic variables, smoking status, quitting experience, protective factors of cessation could predict the stage of cessation among adolescents. With the students who had never considered quitting (precontemplation stage) as reference group, mother's education level, and self-efficacy for quit were the major predictive factors of quit among the students who had quit (action or maintenance stage). However, no variables could predict the stage of contemplation or preparation, with the students who had never considered quitting (precontemplation stage) as reference group. Base on the research findings, it is suggested that the development of cessation teaching materials should focus on anti-smoking attitude, risk perception of smoking, smoking cessation skills, and self-efficacy for quit. In addition, the guidance mechanism to assist adolescents to quit smoking should be well developed.吸菸戒菸青少年行為改變階段自我效能SmokingCessationAdolescentStage of ChangeSelf-efficacy高中職吸菸學生戒菸行為改變階段與相關因素之研究-以臺北縣市八所高中職為例The Study on the Stage of Smoking Cessation and Related Factors among Smoking Students in Senior High Schools and Vocational High Schools in Taipei Area