董澤平Dong, Tse-Ping談佳盈Tan, Jia-Ying2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060356025O%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94497文創市集是文創產業與人們接觸的其中一個管道,而它專屬的環境氛圍,也是文創市集與其他商場的不同之處,而環境氛圍對於消費者的購買意圖是否有所影響呢?另外,創意市集總會配合節慶的活動來增加商機、吸引人潮聚攏,那麼節慶活動對於消費者有顯著的吸引力嗎?創意市集會因此得到更高的銷售量嗎?本研究希望能探討文創環境氛圍、節慶活動的舉辦對於消費者購買意圖間的影響關係。 本研究透過調查經判斷抽樣選擇的三個具代表性之文創市集之消費者為對象,並以統計方法來驗證本研究之假設。研究文創市集之環境氛圍與節慶活動對消費者購買意圖是否有正面影響,並了解不同背景變項之消費者對於購買意圖是否有顯著差異。本研究有效問卷為387份,採用研究方法包括樣本特性分析、信度分析、效度分析、主成分分析、獨立樣本 t 檢定分析、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析。 研究結果顯示,不同背景變項中以性別變項對購買意圖無顯著差異,其他變項皆有顯著差異;環境氛圍與節慶活動對購買意圖皆有顯著正向影響;環境氛圍與節慶活動間對購買意圖無顯著交互作用。People understand cultural and creative industries by creative market. The difference in creative markets and shopping centers is special atmosphere. Also, Do it affect by atmosphere on consumer’s behavior ? In addition, the creative market will always plan the festival activities to increase business opportunities and attract attention. Then, will the consumers be attracted significantly? Will Creative markets get high sales? The intent of this study is exploring the influences of cultural atmosphere and festivals on consumers' purchase intentions. The objects are consumers in Taipei fashion markets. In addition, the study is purposive sampling and the hypotheses were validated by statistics analysis. There are 387 copies of consumers as questionnaires in Taipei fashion markets.This study uses many statistical methods, include sampling distribution, reliability analysis, validity analysis, item analysis, principal components, independent t-test , one –way Anova, pearson correlation and regression analysis . The results as follows: There are no significant differences in the purchase intention with gender, but there are significant differences in the purchase intention with other consumer’s background variables. There are impacts on purchase intention in cultural atmosphere and festivals. Also, There is no significant interaction between the cultural atmosphere and the festivals.文化創意市集環境氛圍節慶活動購買意圖cultural and creative marketatmospherefestivalspurchase intention環境氛圍與節慶活動對消費者購買意圖影響之研究-以台北市文創市集為例A Study on the Influence of Consumer 's Purchase Behavior of the Creative Atmosphere and the Festivals- A Taipei Fashion Markets Case