國立臺灣師範大學社會工作學研究所潘淑滿2014-12-272014-12-272011/05/26http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/43020全球跨國人口流動與社會變遷,對家庭價值觀與家庭型態帶來巨大衝擊。近年來,我國跨國婚姻家庭快速增加,且同居不婚與同志伴侶組成的家庭也有明顯增加趨勢,使得親密關係暴力的形態逐漸多樣化。雖然親密關係暴力的性質相同,但是因為族群、階級、性關係取向與婚姻形式的不同,導致無論是親密關係暴力發生原因、求助行為或相關服務與資源的使用明顯不同。我國家庭暴力防治工作推動約有十二年之久,但是卻欠缺對親密關係暴力類型及其成因、求助經驗、服務使用與網絡互動經驗的探討。 因此,本研究結合質性與量化研究方法,探討不同親密關係暴力類型的成因、求助行為與資源/服務使用之經驗。除此之外,本研究亦分析不同親密關係暴力類型的服務輸送、工作模式、網絡互動經驗與實務策略之運用。藉由國內實證資料的收集,與國外服務與工作模式等相關資料的收集,做為未來修正我國親密暴力防治工作推動的參考依據。 整體而言,本研究目的有下列幾項: 一、搜集美國、英國、香港、日本等國不同類型之親密關係暴力服務模式與工作策略,提供我國親密暴力防治工作政策規劃與實務工作之參考。 二、比較不同親密關係暴力類型及其成因,勾勒被害人使用服務資源使用的概況與經驗。 三、檢視我國家庭暴力防治網絡提供各種親密關係暴力類型被害人之服務經驗與實務困境,建構符合我國區域與文化特性之實務工作模式。 四、彙整國內外研究結果,提出改正我國親密關係暴力防治政策、制度與實務工作模式之意見。The global socio-economic changes have brought significant impacts on the cultural and family value of Taiwan over the past ten years. Recently, a growing number of transnational marriages, non-married and homosexual couples have contributed to the rise of intimate partner violence. According to statistics, the percentage of immigrant and aboriginal women who have experiences of intimate partner abuse is higher than the general female population. Even thought a commonality is shared by all kinds of intimate partner violence, the causes of intimate partner violence, help-seeking behavior, and service utilization may vary in terms of race/ethnicity, class, and sexuality. Recent research has revealed the disadvantages faced by women in intimate partner violence, but few researches investigate the differences with regard to their race/ethnicity, class, and sexuality. Accordingly, this study aims to explore these differences of intimate partner violence in Taiwan. Relying on quantitative surveys as well as qualitative focusing-group interviews and analyzing case records, the purposes of this study are four: 1. To conduct a comprehensive literatue review of other countries (e.g., Hong Kong, Japan, UK, and USA) regarding the policies, service delivery, and strategies of intimate partner violence. 2. To make a comparison of causes of intimate partner violence and service utilization in terms of differences in race/ethnicity, class, and sexuality. 3. To analyze the difficulties of providing services for victims of intimate partner violence 4. To provide suggestions for constructing a feasible model for intimate partner violence prevention.親密關係暴力求助行為服務模式種族性關係取向階級Intimate partner violence (IPV)transnational marriageshomosexual couplesaboriginal womenhelp-seekingservice utilizationdiversities in socio-cultural backgrounds親密關係暴力問題之研究A Study of Intimate Partner Violence