沈弘俊陳姿伶岳修平張勤煜江豐光Horn-Jiunn SheenTzy-Ling ChenHsiu-Ping YuehChin-Yu ChangFeng-Kuang Chiang2014-10-272014-10-272012-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/26878奈米科技近年來風靡於全球,各先進國家多在國家政策中推動奈米科技研究,並結合奈米科技的人才培育。臺灣大學奈米機電系統研究中心在2009及2010年進行跨領域奈米科技前瞻人才培育計畫,透過學術單位與產業界連結,規劃奈米科技理論與實務的一系列課程;學員除研究生外,亦包含學術研究機構及業界研發人員。本研究以探討此人才培育計畫為主,旨在透過教學滿意度問卷,就培訓學員對整體教師教學、課程偏好等教學滿意進行態度調查,研究對象為參與2009與2010年奈米機電系統基礎技術培訓班的學員共計140位。經由描述性統計、複選題分析、柯克蘭Q考驗等統計方法進行資料分析,並彙整歸納學員對課程與教學提出的建議與回饋。研究結果發現:(1)不同年度課程學員在整體教學滿意度有所提高;(2)學員課程偏好上以「未來新興產業」與「能源科技」等議題最為滿意;(3)學員提出幾項建議,希冀能給未來主辦相關訓練課程之機構、教師教學與課程規劃之參考。Nanotechnology has already been applied on all kinds of researches and industries and had a prominent influence in the world. The policies of many developed countries point out not only they are devoted to promoting the nanotechnology research but also combining nanotechnology educational programs with industries on talent development. In Taiwan, the government launched a national nanoscience and nanotechnology program in 2002 to promote and cultivate new talents who are able to develop the potential of nanotechnology. The Nano-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (NEMS) research center of National Taiwan University marks out a series of training courses for talent development taking advantage of resources between universities and nanotechnology industries. The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze instructional satisfactions and course preference from these trainees in the nanotechnology training programs. The research subjects are 140 participants took part in the training programs. Data analysis methods are as follows: descriptive statistics, multiple response analysis, and Cochran Q test analysis. In addition, researchers summarized trainee's feedback and recommendations from open-ended questions in the questionnaires. Finally, this study provides some conclusions: (1) trainee's instructional satisfactions are improved in the second year; (2) "Emerging Industry" and "Energy Technology" topics have the highest trainee's instructional satisfaction; (3) trainees proposed some recommendations that will assist instructors and curriculum developers of the NEMS center to proceed with further development in university nanotechnology courses.人才培育奈米科技教學滿意度產學合作Talent developmentNanotechnologyInstructional satisfactionsUniversity-industry collaboration奈米科技前瞻人才產學合作訓練規劃與滿意度評估A Study on Training Design and Trainee's Satisfaction of Talent Development in Nanotechnology Based on University-Industry Collaboration