鄭勝分吳明珠2019-08-292011-2-232019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096023124%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/923182007 年7 月11 日修正之身心障礙者權益保障法(以下簡稱身權法),明文將庇護工場定位為提供庇護性就業服務之場所,屬於身心障礙者就業類型之一種,應有勞僱關係,適用勞保、健保、勞退及職災等相關勞動法規之保障,目的在於保障身障者就業之權益。但是修法後,社福團體機構由服務提供者瞬間轉變為庇護工場經營者的角色。許多庇護工場經過這三年多角色身分的轉變,除難以適應外,庇護工場的經營更是虧損的多。許多庇護工場的經營者紛紛呼籲政府應該提出改善解決之道。庇護性就業者因能力不足需配有就業服務員協助輔導,在高度商業競爭的市場中,要能獲利是十分困難的,更何況現有庇護工場皆由社福團體機構經營,缺乏專業經營管理知識及人才。 本篇論文擬藉由文獻的探討來了解國內外庇護工場的現況和相關理論,透過深度訪談及觀察台北市庇護工場遇到的實際困境,期望能在相關資料分析、理論及實務的對照之後,提供台灣對社會企業的概念及庇護工場轉型的可能性。 本研究發現,身權法實施三年多以來,庇護工場的困境:一、庇護工場定位問題,二、法令限制產能核薪,三、庇護工場難以兼顧服務與經營兼缺乏經營專業人才,四、庇護工場經營成功的條件必須具備有使命專業的經營人才與服務人才,五、庇護工場盈虧狀況不一,達到某種經濟規模比較可能有盈餘,六、庇護工場產品品質與一般市場接軌不易。對轉型社會企業的看法:一、對社會企業概念的認知不一,二、庇護工場轉型社會企業的可能性與條件,建議先建立一兩家社會企業,豎立一個典範,雛形漸漸成型後,整個庇護工場生型態自然而然就會轉變,三、對於社會企業立法的看法,多數建議應先發展出模式後,再據以立法。後再探討庇護工場藉由政府推動社會企業的政策找出轉型的可行性。According to the revision of Protection Act for Rights and Interests of (Physically and Mentally) Disabled Citizens on July 11, 2007 (hereinafter referred to as Protection Act for Disabled Citizens), sheltered workshop is to protect the disabled and their right to work. It should provide a protective environment that gives them employment opportunities where employer-employee relations exist, so are the labor insurance, National Health Insurance, labor pension, and Occupational Hazard Insurance. However, since the amendment, the organization has transformed from service provider to a managing operation. Many sheltered workshops have taken up a new role of management. They not only face difficulties to cope with the adjustments, but also deficits. The managers of these workshops urged government to resolve the issues. The reason is because profit is harder to achieve in a highly competitive market when the disadvantaged workers require the help of employment specialists. Also, sheltered workshops are run by social welfare organizations, not professional management. Through literature discussion, this study seeks to understand the status quo of sheltered workshops and theories at home and abroad. With the help of in-depth interviews, the predicaments of sheltered workshops in Taipei are observed. In the mean time, the social enterprises in western countries could be a reference for Taiwan. Together with the help of data analysis, as well with the collaboration of theory and practice, a concept of social enterprise and the possibility of a transformation could be foreseen in Taiwan. This study concluded the following, regarding to the issues sheltered workshops have encountered since the promulgation of Protection Act for Disabled Citizens, a little more than three years ago: 1. The position of sheltered workshops; 2. Standardized salary stipulated by law; 3. The difficulty to balance service and management, in addition to the lack of managerial personnel; 4. The key to a successful workshop is to hire professionals in managing and servicing; 5. Economies of scale could fix the problem of the unbalanced financial situations in the workshops; 6. The gap of product quality between the sheltered workshop and the market. Moreover, the opinion for the transition into social enterprise: 1. The different takes on the concept of social enterprise; 2. It is suggested to start establishing one or two social enterprises to set an example, and then others will follow as the environment becomes ready for a full blown transformation; 3. As for to provide legislation for social enterprises, most suggest the first step is to develop a model. Finally, the study delves into the possibility of a transformation for the sheltered workshops as the government promotes social enterprise.社會企業庇護工場身心障礙者social enterprisesheltered workshopdisabled citizens庇護工場轉型社會企業之可行性研究