卓俊辰J.C. Chow鄭元順Y.S. Cheng2019-09-052005-7-12019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T1041002%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104881中文摘要 本研究的目的在探討國中肥胖學生進行八週每週三次運動,對身體組成、柔軟度、肌耐力、瞬發力、心肺耐力之影響。實驗挑選身體質量指數大於或等於25國中過胖學生45位為樣本,隨機分派為三組,實驗組分兩組:訓練組15位、生活組15位;控制組15位,實驗前做同質性考驗。實驗期間實驗組進行不同的運動介入:訓練組以跑走為主之運動介入訓練,生活組以活動式走路為主,鼓勵學生下課時間離開座位到外面活動;控制組同一時段則不作任何介入。以t-test分析各變數之間的差異性,所有顯著水準定為p<.05。控制組未實施運動介入訓練活動,經過八週體適能數值前後測未達顯著水準(P>.05),訓練組八週不同的運動介入對身體組成、柔軟度、肌耐力、瞬發力、心肺耐力方面,訓練組前後測達顯著水準(P<.05),生活組八週不同運動介入對身體組成、柔軟度、肌耐力、瞬發力方面前後測未達顯著水準(P>.05),在心肺耐力方面生活組前後測達顯著水準(P<.05),訓練組及生活組與控制組後測僅在心肺耐力方面達顯著水準(P<.05),訓練組及生活組與控制組後測在身體組成、柔軟度、肌耐力、瞬發力方面未達顯著水準(P>.05)。訓練組及生活組在體適能各變數後測未達顯著水準(P>.05)。本研究之結論,不同的運動介入對國中肥胖學生在心肺耐力及身體組成方面,有正面影響有助於體適能的提昇。Abstract The purpose of the study is concerning the effects on obese Junior High School students in body compositions, flaxibility, musclar fitness and cardiorespiratory fitness. For the experimental duration of 8 weeks, some students were required to exercise 3 times per week. Total 45 obese students were chosen as samples whose BMIs were equal or over 25. They were divided into 3 groups by random: Training Group 15 persons, Living Group 15 persons and Controlling Group 15 persons. The preceding 2 groups were belonged to Experimental Groups. All of them received same test before experiment. During experimental period, the Experimental Group were separately under different exercising ─ Training Group focuses on running and walking, Living Group only did walking exercise, and the Controlling Group did not take any exercise at all. We use t-test to analyze the diversity between variables, and fixd significant standard at P<.05, After 8 weeks, Controlling Group’s values of pre-/post- test did not reach remarkable standard (P>.05), Training Group reached the significant value (P<.05) in every aspect. As to Living Group, after 8 weeks exercise involvement, whose body compositions, flaxibility, musclar fitness do not meet significant standard (P>.05), but cardiorespiratory fitness of pre-/post- test reached significant standard (P<.05). All 3 groups hit the significant standard (P<.05) only at post- test of cardiorespiratory fitness item. Training Group and Living Group did not meet the significant standard in post- test of physical fitness. We concluded that different exercise involvements had positive effects on obese Junior High School students in cardiorespiratory fitness and body compositions. It is beneficial to enhance the physical fitness.運動介入肥胖學生體適能exercise interventionobese studentsphysical fitness不同的運動介入對國中肥胖學生體適能之研究The Study of Different Exercises Effects on Obese Junior High School Students’ Physical Fitness