王麗雲Wang, Li-Yun林宥彤Lin, You-Tong2019-08-282021-08-012019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060000037E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89627本研究旨在以新北市為例,透過督學與校務評鑑相關利害關係人,包括受評學校校長、評鑑委員、聘任督學等之觀點,了解督學在新舊國中小校務評鑑中之角色實踐以及評鑑利害關係人對督學在國中小校務評鑑中之角色期望。 研究結果顯示,督學在舊制校務評鑑中之角色實踐為「評鑑者」、「主導者」及「承辦人」;在新制校務評鑑中之角色實踐為「協助者」、「陪同者」、「資訊提供者」及「輔導者」。而督學本身與利害關係人對於督學在國中小校務評鑑之角色期望,與本研究中角色實踐相符的角色期望有「協助者」、「資訊提供者」及「輔導者」;有別於本研究中角色實踐的角色期望有「評鑑者」、「學習者」及「建議者」。本研究也針對研究結論,提出建議供教育主管機關與評鑑辦理單位參酌。The purpose of this research is to investigate inspector’s factual role in old and new elementary and junior high school evaluation and ought role in elementary and junior high school evaluation by different evaluation stakeholders’ perspective which includes inspector, principal, appointed supervisor. The result shows that, in the old evaluation program, inspector’s factual role includes evaluator, leader, and undertaker; in the new evaluation program, inspector’s factual role includes entourage, information provider, helper, and counselor. And in inspectors and stakeholders’ view, the inspector’s ought role in school evaluation which is in accord with inspector’s factual role in school evaluation has information provider, counselor, and counselor; which is different from inspector’s factual role in school evaluation has evaluator, learner, and suggester. According to the research result, this study has conclude some suggestions to the education department and evaluation center.督學校務評鑑角色inspectorschool evaluationrole國中小校務評鑑中督學角色之研究-以新北市為例A Study on Inspector’s Role in Elementary and Junior High School Evaluation :A Case Study of New Taipei City