張漢良Han-liang Chang吳碩禹Shuoyu Charlotte Wu2019-09-032014-2-162019-09-032014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0898250021%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96099本研究旨在以符號學作為後設語言,探究並描述翻譯文本生成之相關問題。本研究分為正文與附錄兩部分。正文共分為四章,附錄則有文本分析兩篇。首章由亞里斯多德《詩學》之模擬與創造兩概念出發,探討翻譯詩學的性質,確立翻譯文本生成乃基於後設溝通。第二章由生物符號學的自體生成機制探討翻譯如何藉由結構重組促成個別文本的生成以及意義的層層衍生。第三章探討翻譯如何由個別語言活動之連結,轉而引發系統互動。第四章則由洛德曼的對話結構出發,以翻譯為自我與他者對話之角度,探討系統互動對互動中的個別系統有何意義。附錄兩個文本分析,一為伍光建所譯之〈會揭露秘密的心臟〉,此文譯自愛倫坡之短篇小說,文本分析以格雷馬斯之符號矩陣以及敘事模型探討譯者的操弄如何促成翻譯的結構重組。第二篇文本分析以話語模態探討白芝在漢學家以及譯家兩個身分之間的翻譯作為有何不同,以及其作為與翻譯對話結構之關聯。With the aim to provide a priori description of translation production, the thesis investigates translation production in four different aspects: translation as metacommunication, translation as autopoietic restructuring, translation as explosion and then the relation between translation and dialogism. Diverse as the focuses are, they can be joined by a main thread of thought—text production. The thesis starts from an epistemological inquiry into the nature of translation production, which is followed by a biosemiotic investigation of how text ontogeny takes place in translative semiosis. The discussion of text ontogeny then leads to the consideration of translation production on systemic level, which intends to answer the following two questions: How may individual linguistic acts contribute to inter-systemic interactions in translation and what does the interaction ‘mean’ to the systems involved translation interactions? The theorizations in the four chapters are followed by two texts analyses in the Appendix, which aim to provide operational procedures to investigate translation production. With the models adopted from biosemiotics, cultural semiotics and social semiotics, the thesis is intended not only to re-examine ‘translation’ as an object of research, but also to provide a meta-language to describe translation under the framework of general semiotics.翻譯文本生成詩學後設溝通互文自體生成結構重組爆炸性翻譯對話結構語義圈形塑系統符號矩陣伍光建白芝translation productionpoeticsmetacommunicationintertextualityautopoiesisautopoietic restructuringtranslation as explosiondialogismsemiospheremodeling systemsemiotic squareWoo Kwang-KienCyril Birch翻譯:一個符號系統的探討Translation Studies as Sign Systems Studies