張國恩宋曜廷陳平福2019-08-292006-8-262019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692080347%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92891鑑於國立歷史博物館唐三彩展物之靜態特性,對一般參訪學生較難產生與展物的互動行為。本研究擬以情境學習理論和問題導向學習為導覽系統的設計方向,來完成情境式導覽系統。經由本導覽系統的使用,瞭解參訪學生是否因情境式導覽系統的引導,使參訪學生與展物的互動性提高,進而產生對展物的好奇與主動學習動機。本研究的實驗評量方式為錄影帶分析、紙筆測驗和訪談,來評估是否因為情境式導覽系統的介入,而導致參訪學生的學習動機和展物互動性改變。結果顯示使用情境式導覽系統有較長的平均持續力來與展物互動,但使用情境導覽系統的參訪者和使用學習單的參訪者,兩者的前後展物相關知識成績沒有明顯進步。In view of the characteristic of the Tang Tri-Colour Potteries in the National History Museum, it is difficult to interact with the exhibition by visitors. The aim of this research is to build up the Situated Mobile Guide System according to the situated learning theory and problem-based learning theory. We would like to know if the interaction between visitors and exhibitions could be increased by this Situated Mobile Guide System. With this system, we even expect to promote visitors’ curiosity and initiative learning motivation to the exhibitions. In this study, we use video analysis, paper-pencil test, and interviews as independent variable measurements to evaluate that if the interaction between visitors’ initiative learning motivation and exhibitions be effected by the introduce of Situated Mobile Guide System. The results showed that the visitors with the system had a longer average holding time on exhibits than the visitors with paper-based learning sheets. However, there is no significantly difference among the visitors with the system and the visitors with paper-based learning sheets in promoting knowledge on Tang Dynasty Tri-Color Glazed Pottery.博物館導覽行動學習情境學習museum guidancemobile learningsituated learning情境式行動導覽系統之設計與應用-以國立歷史博物館『唐三彩』常設展為例The Design and Application of a Situated Mobile Guide System - A Case of Tang Tri-Color Glazed Pottery at the Nation Museum of History