陳李綢Li-Chuo Chen郭美菊mei-chu kuo2019-08-282005-7-282019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T1012018%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90495本研究探討青少年學習「坐姿八式動禪身體覺察訓練」之後對身心覺察能力的影響。藉由行動研究促進研究者的專業成長,進而編擬具體可行之青少年動禪課程。研究對象十二位成員,分成實驗組接受十次團體訓練與控制組不接受實驗處理,透過過程錄影分析、團體紀錄、身體檢查紀錄表、團體結束後問卷以及「生活壓力」、「自我強度」、「憂鬱」量表進行前後測,所得資料進行分析,主要結論如下: 一、 「坐姿八式動禪身體覺察訓練」活動方案實施在青少年是可行。 二、 實施本活動方案後,對青少年的身心覺察能力有正面影響。 (一)、 對身體訊息的覺察知改變經驗:接受實驗方案後超過六成以上成員認為,容易覺察身體訊息,清楚身體動作的反應,而且比以前更敏感,七成以上感受心跳減緩而且有正向反應。 (二)、 對身心互動覺察經驗:接受實驗方案後超過六成以上受試者表示,情緒安定包括靜心、專注力增加、比較快樂,以及學習放鬆及舒緩壓力。 (三)、 對生活適應影響:接受實驗方案受試者,在「生活壓力」、「自我強度」及「憂鬱量表」量表方面,實施身體覺察訓練在沒有顯著效果。而在憂鬱情緒中「行為」的分量表有顯著效果。本實驗團體在受試者可以提昇自我尊重、自我滿意度提高、自我價值感、讀書成效、惜福感恩及珍惜此活動。 三、 在教師自我省思方面,透過行動研究不斷的自我修正與改變教學策略,才能有效解決教學問題,提昇教學品質。並學習自我照顧,促進專業成長。 綜合以上結論,提出相關建議,希望提供未來有志從事實施「坐姿八式動禪」身體覺察訓練,相關教學或研究者理論與實務之參考。This research examines the influences of adolescents’ mental and body awareness from learning “Seated Eight-Form Moving Meditation-Body Awareness Training”. This action research may improve the professional ability of researchers to design practical moving meditation courses for adolescents. There are twelve participants divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group took ten group trainings. By analyzing the data getting from the process-recording analysis, group record, physical examination record, questionnaire after the group training, and the pretest and posttest with the Life- Stress Scale, Self-Strength Scale and Depression Scale, the main conclusions are the following: 1. Experiencing the change of body information awareness. After taking the experimental program, there are more than 60% participants feeling body information and the response from body movement more easily, and they are more sensitive than before. There are also more than 70% participants feeling heartbeat slowing down and positive reaction. 2. The awareness of mental-body interaction. More than 60% participants felt the stability of emotion including the improvement of sobriety, concentration, happiness, relaxation and relieving stress. 3. The influence on life from the change of body and mental-body interaction: (1) Quasi-experiment result: a. There is no significant effect on the decrease of life stress for the experimental group in the Life Stress Scale. b. There is no significant effect on increasing the self strength for the experimental group in the Self- Respect Scale, Frustration-Tolerance Scale and Mastery Scale. c. In the Depression Scale, there is no significant effect in Emotion, Physical and Mental Sub-scales; however, there is significant effect in the Behavior Sub-scale. (2) Qualitative result: The participants in the experimental group showed the increase of self-respect, self-satisfaction, and self-evaluation. They also showed improvement of studying and appreciation of the program. At last, this research offered academic and practical suggestions for those whoplan to take the “Seated Eight-Form Moving Meditation—Body Awareness Training” in the future.禪修身體覺察行動研究青少年meditationbody awarenessaction researchadolescent「坐姿八式動禪-身體覺察訓練」對青少年身心覺察能力影響之行動研究An Action Research on the Influence of “Seated Eight-Form Moving Meditation—Body Awareness Training” upon Adolescents’ Physical and Mental Awareness Ability