張麗君2014-10-272014-10-272008-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16855本研究目的在探討具國台雙語能力學童,其雙語能力程度與智力、創造力表現上之相關情形,以驗證臨界點理論所提之假設。研究方法採用因果比較法,研究對象包 含兩個年齡層之兒童:幼稚園大班之幼兒與小學二年級之學童。幼兒組研究對象有165 位,二年級組有112 位。測驗工具為:畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗修訂版甲式、托尼非語言智力測驗與陶倫思創造力測驗。研究結果顯示,整體而言,三組不同雙語程度學童,認知測驗平均分 數排序與臨界點之假設一致,而且二個年齡層結果類似。易言之,高雙語程度組之兒童在認知表現上最具優勢,尤其是在擴散性的思考測驗方面。This study was conducted to examine the relationship between bilingualism and cognitive abilities, as predicted by Threshold theory. Two age groups of subjects were studied, kindergarten and second grade. All children were Mandarin/Taiwanese bilinguals with different degree of proficiency. Two measures of cognitive instruments were employed, the Chinese Version of the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence and Torrance’s Tests of Creative Thinking (Figural B). On the whole, the results were consistent with theory, in that an overall bilingual superiority was found only for those children who had attained a high degree of bilingualism. This was especially the case in the divergent thinking measure.國臺雙語智力創造力Mandarin-Taiwanese bilingualIntelligenceCreativity國臺雙語兒童其雙語能力與智力、創造力之相關探討Degree of Bilingualism and Cognitive Abilities in Mandarin-Taiwanese Bilingual Children