蔡慧敏劉建宏2019-09-052006-2-232019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069146008%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103538探求人們對自然的看法,是一個值得深思且古老的課題,然而學術的進展、教育的普及、人與自然的逐漸分離,使得現代人們的自然觀點往往略過了在自然當中的感受,而以書本的知識代替實際的體驗。本研究旨在探究自然觀的內涵,並且瞭解當代人們對自然的觀點。研究採文獻分析方法,從環境倫理學、大地觀及現代環境觀的內涵概念中,歸納整理自然觀的內涵向度,做為研究工具設計的依據;並以福山研究中心為例,立意抽樣八位具備豐富自然知識背景且長期接觸自然環境的工作者進行深度訪談,從而獲得福山研究中心工作者自然觀的特徵。研究之重要結論分述如下: 1.自然觀的內涵包括:重要生命經驗(接觸自然、人們的影響、教育、工作、環境經驗、信仰)、自然的本質(定義、類推、組成、過程、感受)、自然的價值(自然資源、生命權利、道德考慮、自然價值)、人與自然的關係(角色、權利、義務、管理)及實踐(啟發、影響、認知、推動、建議)等五個向度。 2.福山研究中心工作者自然觀的特徵可以自然觀內涵向度分別陳述為:生命歷程歧異度高且豐富接觸自然、以科學概念認識自然、非人類中心主義觀點、對人類目前在自然中的角色感到失望,及主張以教育為主軸推動良好自然觀。 本研究並建議後續研究者:自然觀內涵架構的修正方向、使用雙重議題進行訪談、注意議題訪談的風險及針對關鍵人物,單點、定期、長期的重複訪談。對於環境教育:可以自然觀的內涵架構出發,設計、發展系統課程;及從平面、電子媒體切入環境教育實施的可能。Rapid development of natural science and the segregation between human beings and the natural environment have caused a common paradox that one’s views of nature tend to neglect one’s actual experience of nature. Nowadays, people tend to acquire knowledge from books rather than firsthand experience in nature. The purpose of this research is to probe into people’s views of nature, and explore contemporary views of nature. The literature analysis method is applied to compile the connotations of different views of nature, including environmental ethics, historical view on earth, and modern environmental perceptions upon which the basic conceptual framework for interview were developed. The subjects of in-depth interviews were eight naturalists who currently work at Taiwan Forest Research Institute (TFRI). Fushan Research Station which located in a nature reserve. All of these naturalists had been working in nature for long time and with rich knowledge and experiences in nature studies. In-depth interviews were conducted to obtain the characteristic traits of the naturalist’s view of nature. The main findings from the studies are as follows: 1. Connotation of views of nature: significant life experiences (contact with nature, other people's influence, education, job, environmental experience and beliefs), essence of nature (definition, analogy, composition, course and experience), values of nature (natural resources, right of life, moral considerations and the value of nature), relation between nature and mankind (role, right, duty and management), and practice (edification, influence, cognition, impetus and suggestion). 2. Significant characteristic traits that have influenced the view of nature: diverse life experiences combined with abundant contact with natural environment, knowledge of nature through scientific concepts, disappointment with mankind’s role in nature, and education and learning experiences. Based on above findings and analysis, the follow-up research on this subject and future development of public environmental education are recommended. Further suggestions including: revise the connotation framework on views of nature, conduct interviews via the “double topic” method, pay attention to privacy risks concerning interviews, and multiple and long-term interviews should be conducted with key persons from key areas. This connotation framework on views of nature may be useful in designing and developing systematic environmental education curriculums.自然觀價值觀環境教育自然觀的探討-以福山研究中心工作者為例View of Nature - a Case Study on the Naturalists of TFRI's Fushan Research Center