陳政友李雅玲Ya-ling Lee2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595051103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87755本研究目的在探討影響國中教師睡眠品質之相關因素。以自編結構式問卷為工具,採分層隨機抽樣,以彰化縣 97 學年度正式國中教師為樣本,抽取 14 所國中共 380 位教師,有效問卷 358 份,回收率 96 %。 本研究所得重要結果如下: 一、 本研究結果發現,研究對象中,約有七成的人體型適中,一成四左右的人體型過重或肥胖;未罹患慢性病約有七成三;自覺健康屬於「差不多」的狀況。在心理因素方面,整體工作壓力屬中等程度,工作壓力來源方面,以「學生管教學習方面」的壓力為最大,而憂鬱程度屬中低程度,其中一成五有憂鬱傾向。另外研究對象有規律運動習慣者比率偏低,高達四分之三的研究對象無規律運動的習慣。而睡眠環境因素方面整體而言是不錯的,其中以噪音、室溫、通風及光線為最主要的干擾因素。 二、 研究對象半數以上睡眠品質不佳。睡眠問題最嚴重的是:「睡眠不足感」、「主觀睡眠品質」、「睡眠困擾」,這三項是國中教師普遍存在的睡眠問題。研究對象之整體睡眠品質與「性別」、「罹患慢性病總數」、「自覺健康狀況」、「運動習慣」、「憂鬱程度」、「工作壓力」、「環境因素」有關係。其中女性、無規律運動者、罹患慢性病總數愈多者、自覺健康狀況愈差者、憂鬱程度愈嚴重者、工作壓力愈大者、睡眠環境干擾因素愈多者,睡眠品質愈差。 三、 研究對象背景因素、心理因素、生活習慣、睡眠環境因素等所有預測變項能有效預測「睡眠品質」,且能解釋其總變異量為36.7%,其中以「任教年資」、「自覺健康狀況」、「憂鬱程度」、「睡眠環境因素」為最主要的預測變項,且以「憂鬱程度」最具影響力。綜上所述,在背景因素、心理因素、生活習慣、睡眠環境因素等預測變項彼此控制之下,研究對象任教年資越久、自覺健康狀況越差、憂鬱程度越高、睡眠環境因素越差、則睡眠品質也越差。This study aims to investigate the factors that impact on the sleep quality of junior high teachers.With the self-structured questionnaire, the study takes the method of stratified random sampling to collect the data of 380 full-time teachers from 14 junior high schools in Changhua County. 358 out of the 380 data are effective for the study, and the recycling rate is 96%. The results of the study are as follows: 1. The findings of the study are that around 70% of the subjects in this present study are moderate in figures, and about 14% of the subjects are overweight or fat. The rate of not suffering chronic ailments is about 73% and most of the subjects in this study suggest their health condition is on the average. In the perspective of mentality, the job stress generally was moderate. The main source of the job stress is on the issue of students’ discipline. The degree of melancholy goes low-middle. Among the subjects, 15% of them have the tendency of melancholy. In addition, the rate of regular exercise was slanted to the lower side; more than three-fourths of the subjects have no habits of regular exercise. Moreover, the factors to sleep environment is above the average. Noise, temperature, air, and light are the main factors of interference. 2. More than half of the subjects have no good sleep quality. The most serious problems they meet are on sense of insufficient sleep, subjective sleep quality, and sleep disturbance which are the common problems across junior high teachers. The overall sleep quality of the subjects are related to the factors of gender, the total number of suffering chronic ailments, subjective health condition, habit of exercise, degree of melancholy, job stress, and sleep environment. For those subjects who are female, with no regular habit of exercise, with more chronic ailments, with subjectively worse health condition, with higher degree of melancholy, with more job stress, or with more interfering factors of sleep environment, their sleep quality gets worse. 3. These variables, the backgrounds, mental conditions, living habits, and sleep environments of the subjects, can effectively predict the sleep quality and explain the total amount of variance is 36.7%. Among all of the variables in the study, length of teaching, subjective health condition, degree of melancholy, and sleep environment are the most significant ones. All in all, when these four variables mentioned are under control, it is found that when the subjects teach longer, subjectively sense a worse health condition, feel more melancholic, or have a worse sleep environment, their sleep quality will get worse.國中教師憂鬱程度工作壓力生活習慣睡眠環境睡眠品質junior high teachersdegree of melancholyjob stressliving habitssleep environmentsleep quality彰化縣國中教師睡眠品質與其相關因素研究A Study on the Sleep Quality and the Related Factors of Junior High Teachers in Changhua County