謝建成Shieh, Jiann-Cherng黃琬姿Huang, Wan-Zih2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060315001E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89019自從網際網路及電腦的興盛,圖書館的角色與功能不再止於圖書館的實體建築與其內部館藏。大學圖書館的服務已從實體延伸到了虛擬世界,各大學圖書館無不建立屬於自己的網站。其中圖書館的網站標籤(Website Labels)象徵著網站與使用者溝通的重要橋梁,標籤是一種資訊線索可指引使用者找到所需的資訊或達成目標任務。因此網站標籤設計之良窳,將會影響使用者是否能有效且精準地獲取資訊,成為圖書館網站成功的重要關鍵。 本研究可分為兩個階段:第一階段為底層標籤認知調查訪問,將專業使用者、圖書館員、一般使用者分為三組,以團體討論小組方式進行,藉著互相討論激發受試者思考,從中觀察各種身分者之認知想法與意見交流並整理綜合認知資訊線索最高組,詳細且客觀記錄選擇底層標籤過程與替換新標籤名稱之建議;第二階段為卡片分類實驗,主要目的為蒐集使用者對四組不同底層標籤進行分類,接著藉由群集分析法描繪樹狀圖,產生四種僅有底層標籤的網站架構,並進行比較內部尋獲度之廣度與深度效益。 本研究結果顯示,不同身分者建構網站底層標籤,其想法與內容皆有許多的差異性,專業使用者進行底層標籤選擇時會選用淺顯易懂之用語,同時也會利用第一人稱的方式建構標籤名稱;圖書館員則常以工作經驗中所使用的網頁名稱為依歸,這些專業詞彙使用者較少接觸,也相對容易造成圖書館網站和使用者之間的隔閡;一般使用者選擇網站底層標籤時,會以他們所熟知的詞彙為主,以及對於太專業詞彙會延伸原有圖書館網站標籤,藉而從字面上去瞭解其涵義。最後研究結果可得知資訊線索與專業使用者標籤組進行卡片分類法時可提高網站的尋獲度,且在卡片分類過程中發現較無疑慮之底層標籤以及分類時間皆較少,可證實對於受試者在進行卡片分類過程中有實質上的幫助。As the advent of the Internet and computer,the role and function of a library are no longer confined to its internal constructions and collections. The service provided by University Library has been enlarged from physical to virtual reality. Therefore, each of the University Library has established their own websites. Website labels provide visual and cognitive cues for users to acquire and locate the information they need or achieve their goals which can be viewed as the essential channel between users and the website information. Hence, whether the website users can access the information efficiently and precisely has great relationship to the design of the website labels and it is also recognized as the key of the success of a library’s website. The study takes two main steps. The first steps is the investigations of leaf labels cognition. We divided the participants into three groups, professional users, librarians and general users. The interview is conducted through the way of group discussion to facilitate the thoughts of the participants. Each identity’s cognitions, thoughts and opinions are observed throughout the process and furtherly sorted and synthesized the highest group called “Information Scent”. Analyzing the contents of library website and picking out the labels. The participants will discuss the leaf labels selected and rename the labels if the leaf labels are not easy to understand. The second step is card sorting test, which is aimed to collect users’ opinions of the classification toward the four different type of labels, and ultimately generate four types of website structures by means of cluster analysis. The results of the study show that different identity present quite difference opinions toward the preference of constructing the leaf labels. The group of professional users tends to use the term which is easier to understand and prefer to present the name of the label in the way of first -person. The preference of the group of librarians usually based on their working experience which contain more proper nouns. This is the reason that there is always a gap between the Library Websites and their users. For general users, the terms that they are familiar with are chosen the most when they decide the leaf labels. They would also try to interpret the meaning of the professional terms literally. According to the group of Information scent and professional users’ leaf labels, which can help users have better understanding toward the labels and present more confidence when they are conducting card sorting tests. It can not only accord with the users’ demand, but increase the findability of the website. The result of the study proved that “Information scent” and “Professional users” has substantially assisted the users during the card sorting processes.大學圖書館資訊架構底層標籤卡片分類法內部尋獲度University LibraryInformation ArchitectureLeaf LabelsCard SortingFindability大專院校圖書館網站底層標籤分析之研究A Study on Analyzing Leaf Labels of University Library Websites