國立臺灣師範大學教育學系郝永崴林宜真2014-12-022014-12-022012-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39448隨著越來越多學生藉由電子書閱讀器閱讀書籍,了解閱讀器學生如何使用閱讀器以及閱 讀器對學生造成什麼影響,是重要的。本計畫擬調查大學生如何使用閱讀器以及閱讀器 對學生造成的影響,來解答電子書閱讀器的價值何在。藉由問卷調查、放聲思考、錄影 觀察、訪談、學習扎記等資料來源,本計畫將混合使用質性及量化研究法,以探索研究 問題。預期本計畫將解答學生使用閱讀器的閱讀行為模式,並且幫助了解閱讀器對學生 閱讀表現造成的影響,希望能幫助大眾對電子書閱讀器的教育價值有更完整的了解With more and more students accessing to e-books through e-book readers, it is critical to understand how reading e-books through electronic devices may impact students’ literacy engagement and whether reading electronically can benefit readers. this study will investigate how students use e-books readers for academics. The research questions this study seeks to answer are: 1). How do students read e-books through e-books readers? 2). What is the effect of using e-books readers on students? Surveys, think-aloud protocols, video observations, student interviews and learning journals will be used for data collection. The main research approaches in this study will be mixed research methods in which quantitative and qualitative methods will be sequentially combined in the research process to help search for answers. The findings of the study will shed light on how undergraduate students use e-book readers for classroom learning, their reading performance, and their perception toward reading digitally. They will help answer questions on how to make good use of the digital device to enrich student learning.閱讀電子書閱讀器高等教育運用電子書閱讀器於高等教育之評鑑研究Evaluation of the Process and Product of Reading through E-Book Readers in Higher Education