張屏生何正芳2019-08-292014-8-172019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096262126%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93232澎湖群島又名漁翁島,位於台灣西岸的台灣海峽,全區由 90座島嶼組成,總面積有126.864平方公里。早期由於交通不便利,島嶼型態之地理環境,形成地理與人文區隔作用,除造就出澎湖獨有的歷史發展特色,亦使各鄉鎮間之語言相互影響程度有限,所以得各自保留原鄉之語言特徵。本研究首先對湖西鄉各村落語料進行文獻蒐集與分析,勾勒出湖西鄉閩南語之語音特徵。再根據地理語言學與社會語言學之研究原則,進行湖西鄉閩南語實地田野調查,並藉由統計圖表與語言地圖,彙整出澎湖縣湖西鄉閩南語在地理分佈與年齡差異之共時變異與變化現象,進一步探索此區域之語言變體,並據以推測出湖西鄉閩南語之未來發展趨勢。田野調查之結果顯示,湖西鄉閩南語語音特色是:一、「高」韻唸/io/; 二、「科」韻唸/ə/ ;三、「小稱詞」唸/e/,其詞幹元音則呈現出同化、異化等語音變化。上述三項語音特徵根據不同年齡層之解析觀之,在大部份老年層尚保有50%以上的語音特徵,但隨著年齡層的下降卻逐漸減少,尤其是少年層急速遞減至於0~10%之間而已;另以地理分布角度之研究觀之,在湖西鄉東區村落保留較高比例的語音特色、南區各村次之、北區各村則最微弱。依此推測,未來湖西鄉三項特徵語音趨勢將逐漸呈現:1/io/>/o/;2 /ə/>/e/>/ue/;3「小稱詞」唸/e/>/a/,這種現象在青、少年層最明顯。4「小稱詞」詞幹的元音的同化、異化音變現象驅向消失。以上這樣的變化主要受到教育普及、交通便利、媒體資訊的無遠弗屆與語言態度之影響最鉅。Abstract The Penghu islands, also known as Pescadores are an archipelago off the western coast of Taiwan in the Taiwan Strait consisting of 90 islets which together claim an area size of 126.864 square Kilometers. Due to their inconveniently located geography, it is widely accepted that the culture evolution became regionalization at early periods. Since the language is closely connected with culture, and the social environment is reflected in language, another illustration of the point can be the difference in phonetic feature between villages and towns. At this work, we firstly gathered the vocal vocabulary of Hu-Si Township which lies to the eastern part of Penghu County, and described the locally phonetic feature of the Southern Min Dialect (SMD), which was followed by a field survey in accordance with the principle of geolinguistics and sociolinguistics. Both the geographical distribution and the disparity in age reflected upon the diachronic and synchronic language shift were thus compiled by means of a statistical chart and a language map of Hu-Si Township. After that, we’ve further studied on the language variation and thereby inferred a tendency of local SMD development. On the basis of field survey, some phonetic features of SMD in Hu-Si Township involved in this study are as follows: (1) the vowel of /o/ pronounces /io/, (2) /ə/ vowel (/ə/:a central-mid vowel), and (3)「diminutive suffix」 pronounces /e/ in stead of /a/. It follows from what has been said thus far that the vowel of diminutive stem has assimilation or dissimilation phonetic change. Results obtained from analysis of disparity in age indicate that the continuity of the phonetic feature of about 50 % in senior citizens remains unchanged; however, it decreases with decreasing age. Especially, it drastically decreases down to 0~10% in teenage persons. Based on the investigation of geographical distribution, on the other hand, a resident who belongs to the eastern part of Hu-Si Township is most likely to keep the highest continuity of the phonetic feature, and the next is the southern residents; however, the north part the last. We have seen thus far, the investigation made it clear that the voice may convert into a tendency of /io/>/o/ and /ə/ >/e/>/ue/, and the 「diminutive suffix」as /e/ is gradually converted into /a/ preferentially in the youth. Moreover, the assimilation or dissimilation of diminutive suffix stem is dissipating. We can say with fair certainty that several social factors, such as popularized education, well-developed network of communication lines, propagation of mass media, and language attitudes, play the most important role in the speech mutation.澎湖縣湖西鄉閩南語小稱詞同化異化語言地圖語音變異Penghu County(Pescadores)Hu-Si(O-Sai)Southern Min Dialectdiminutive suffixassimilationdissimilationlanguage mapspeech mutation.澎湖縣湖西腔閩南語在地理和年齡的變化研究-以《彙音妙悟》「高」、「科」韻和小稱詞為例